Welcome to DEV!
Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
Um, Hello. So I was doom scrolling through a news feed and came across a question: "What is your favorite Linux distro and why"? Since I am a Linux user, and bored, I decided to respond. In the process I seem to have created a Dev user account. Um, So, here I am. I think I'll stick around and see if i can learn something.
Welcome! I love the term "doom scrolling" by the way. The first time I heard it, I felt that it quite accurately described not only what I was doing, but also how I felt.
Hello Gordon.
I believe that as a linux user, you never stop learning. And the best way to lear is to teach.
Hi Gordon!
So what is your favorite distro any why?
Xubuntu. Because it's what I use and it passed the Wife and Kids test. Probably not what you were expecting to hear.
Actually, if I had to pick a favorite it would be Ubuntu in some form or another, for the same usability factor. I rock Manjaro on my workstations but mainly for hardware compatibility.
Thanks for sharing!
Hey DEVs,
I am Jay Patel. Pursuing 3rd Year of Computer Science and Engineering with Specialization of Big Data and Analytics (with IBM). I love Networking with Devs and Learn from them :) So, If you are also like Minded then What are you waiting for? Let's Learn Together 😊
Hi everyone, I'm Katie the #welcome moderator.
My unofficial title: DEV cheerleader 😊
I want to welcome all of you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.
Don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas with your own post.
If you are interested in posting, be sure to read my post:
A Comment is not a Post
Katie Nelson ・ Dec 20 '19 ・ 3 min read
Well hello there. I'm code-curious, read an article about how hip it is to be part of a dev group and here I am.
Well, welcome to DEV where the hip people are 🤣
Hello Developers
I am Aayushi Sharma from India curious to programming and have a bad habit of coffee.
Cheers to bad coffee habits! ☕️
Welcome to DEV! 👋
Welcome here 🙌🏼
Yes. Coffee!
I am Poulami - a product designer. I have dabbled with frontend development from time to time for my side projects & hobbies. I am now looking forward to take a more active approach towards learning - specially by documenting what I learn.
I have learned a lot from posts on this platform and looking forward to being part of the community :)
Hello, Poulami! Welcome!
I definitely think that this is a great platform to document what you learn. That is something I missed in my introduction post. Getting more involved with the community definitely makes things feel real and less isolated.
Hi Brandon!
Welcome to you as well :)
Looking forward to learning from you and others on this platform!
Heyo! 👋
Welcome to DEV. 🙌
What is good everyone.
I have been mostly lurking for the past few months. Due to COVID I have been at home with not a whole lot to do, so I have decided to start tackling the Daily Challenges posted here by Dev.TO and upload them to a Git repo. This is to motivate me to keep coding and tackling fun problems at the same time.
The daily what now? Where are they? I can't seem to find them.
Daily Challenges Link
It isn't always daily per se, but a few a week at least. Almost 300 already so a nice backlog of challenges to keep you busy.
Glad to hear you're digging the challenges! 😀
Also, one trick about the Daily Challenges — you can type in dev.to/challenge and it'll take you to the latest one. Same goes for dev.to/welcome actually.
Well hey! Nearly at the end of my 100 days of code journey and now thinking about the next 100. JavaScript is my new love again and I'm excited to dive into node.js and poke around. I'm thinking of writing a post here just about what I've learnt and how I'm making use of things so any tips/ideas or if I shouldn't add to the noise do lemme know! Happy to be here 😊 Andy
Hey Andy!
Here's a helpful post for folks new to DEV in case you need any tips:
A Beginner's Guide to Dev.to
Ali Spittel ・ Oct 29 '18 ・ 7 min read
If you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask!
Hi everyone!
I'm Trivi from Spain (olée 👏). I'm network computer systems administrator and software engineering student. I hope to learn a lot, write interesting articles, and, above all, to enjoy a lot with all of u!
Heyo! Welcome to DEV.
And that's gotta be one of my all time favorite GIFs. It works for me every time.
Hahaha yeah thx! It's a fantastic gif, I'll use sure!
Hello! I'm Yuan, Python developer, and two time CTO. I joined here to share knowledge and read about programming topics.
Fun fact about myself: my crowning achievement over my entire career remains that one time I converted a minifridge into a sous-vide cooker, and cooked steak in it. No other achievement has come close ever since.
HAHAHAHAHAH i love that! Was the steak good?
yep, really good. I used it a few times but eventually I went and bought a proper immersion circulator when the prices came down
Hi guys!
Been here for a few days, but never said hello, how rude of me! 😳
I'm a junior dev girl, (previously a photographer/films composer/cellist... still at it, tho!) working essentially with React but also very curious about other technologies in general.
Happy to join the community, and I hope that I can help when possible! 😁
(Sorry for the grammar, english is not my main language 😅)
Bonjour Marie, bienvenue chez DEV!
Hi everyone, I'm Adeleye Ayodeji.
I am experienced in application and web development using PHP, JavaScript, SQL Database services.
I have a working experience with Model View Controller (MVC), and have been involved in maintaining versions of source code using GitHub.I have also designed and developed master pages, validation controls, CSS files using technologies like AJAX Toolkit, JQuery, JavaScript, XML and HTML.
Hey Adeleye! 👋
Hope you enjoy DEV.
Hi, i am Anita from France. Developpeur front-end. Ibterestzd in learning New technologies. Love to solve thé problème more on JavaScript. For now working more on m'y github profile page.
Let me know your feedback: github.com/Anita-joseph/😊
Hi guys and girls,
I'm Andrej from Remotesome where we help talented engineers get remote jobs. We focus on helping engineers get hired by skill and not their resume.
Looking forward to meet fellows and learn more.
Hi everyone, I'm Gideon, but you can call me Gid.
Welcome to DEV!
Welcome Gid!
Hello! I'm a first year computer science undergrad, looking around for a place to learn more about web development. I'm taking my first baby steps outside of the comfort of CSS, JS and HTML right now, but hopefully I'll be learning a lot more in the next few months.😬
Hey Guys!
Surfing through Google feeds I came across an article from Dev.to. I did not join then, but after repeating good content, I decided to hop in here. Feels good to be here and looking forward to our experiences.
Hello Developers
I am Shreya Jain currently in 3rd year of BScIT. Curious in coding, sometimes lazy to code so i push myself everyday to learn and yeah have a bad habit of coffee :)
Happy to join the community.
Hello everyone. I'm a software engineer who loves open source, scalability, big data, docker and kubernetes. I'll try to share my insights and hopefully help others benefit while I learn from others. Also always looking for fun interesting projects to collaborate on.
Hi enthusiasts,
I am Fuad Anik who is pursuing his 3rd year of Mechanical Engineering . As the pandemic hits , I thought of doing something productive and so started gathering knowledge on the web development. And its the starting and finally found this awesome community. I hope it will encourage me and increase my working ability.
Happy learning
Hello Everyone!
I heard about this community from a dev podcast. I'm glad I decided to check it out! I've already added a post to my reading list. Looking forward to a positive and inclusive learning experience.
Hey everyone!
I am Anureet, a final year computer science student. A few months back I started exploring the field of android development. Looking forward to learn new things from this amazing community.
Hello people! I'm Angel (yeah that's my name) from Brazil, analysis system student, and junior frontend developer. I searched for how to improve forms in ReactJS and decides to join the community after reading a great article that talked about it.
I intend to learn a lot, improve my code, the English language, and contribute with my experiences.
That its, thanks :)
Hello everyone, I'm Nuria from Spain¡
I'm a final year student enrolled in higher education in web development and cross platform development.
I would like share about develope creative, brainstorming...
Hello All,
Stumbled across these awesome place while seeking for a solution . Basically a CX enthusiast on Cloud Contact Center build . Solution Architect by profession and a knowledge seeker on evertything related to clouds. Hoping to have a enjoyable ride
My name is Adi, I'm a minimalist freelance developer. I'm currently interested in C and UNIX and how their ideas can be applied to the "modern" web. I recently built and launched mkws.sh, a bloat-less simple static site generator because I felt tired of the JavaScript ecosystem.
Hello, everyone! I'm Arturo, and i'm a dev, so this place resonated with me and pulled me in ways even now i cannot understand nor describe... well, a friend wrote a post and shared it with me, things moved fast and now i'm here :) Looking forward to read and write a lot in here!
Hey everyone. Joined dev.to just today.
I'm a Machine Learning Engineer currently applying Machine Learning research to startup products in the industry. I also have a blog where I explain ML concepts using diagrams and animations.
I would love to connect with you here or on twitter
Hello fellow humans!
I'm a former elementary school teacher turned software engineer. I went from trying to understand little brains and managing behavior to trying to understand code and controlling output. I'll let you decide which you think is more challenging. Hint, computers do exactly what you tell them to do. Before teaching, my time as a stay-at-home father was filled with adventure and growth as I cared for two little girls, remodeled my entire house inside and out, moved the family to Germany and back, and rented out my home.
I enjoy solving complex problems and the feeling I get when I have the breakthroughs along the way. I just finished my time at a software engineering boot camp and I am beginning to look for work as a full-stack software engineer. I am excited to become a part of the community here. I've got my first post up! Please feel free to let me know what you think. I enjoy honest, forthright, and respectful exchange of ideas. I love to learn and look forward to what I can learn here. So far, I have experience with JavaScript, React, Redux, and Rails mostly. Cheers!
Welcome 😄
Hi everyone! 👋
I am Kanisk, a recent Software Engineering college grad. Longtime lurker but figured it's never too late to start sharing your progress and processes, while learning openly within a community full of developer willing to help each other!
Grateful for this community!
Hello Everyone,
I am Shambhavi. I am an undergrad student, Computer Vision Researcher and NLP Intern.
I also oraganise 'Computer Vision Talks' which is a weekly webinar series where we discuss SOTA Papers with the authors themselves!
I am here to build a regular practice of blogging to contribute to the community!
Hello everyone, I'm a self taught passionate programmer. It started as a hobby and now I am about to start studying software engineering in Germany Stuttgart. I would like to collab with others for any project, where I can learn something and create amazing stuff. 😊
Hey there!
I am Sergio, I am a junior web dev, I am quite passionate about everything that revolves around the web world, and I am currently trying to get into cybersecurity, I have done some CTFs here and there, but nothing at a great level. I have decided to create a DEV account to be able to learn things and share my thoughts. 😁
Hello all :)
I just love python programming. I work on my favourite python project (chess app) when I get time to spare. Also love tinkering with a raspberry pi. And I keep solving programming problems that give me thrills! I am looking forward to learn from this wonderful community and also write a few posts.
Hello, everyone! Not sure where to start because I am not the best at introducing myself. I am just a newbie developer currently learning Rails. Currently building a clone of AllRecipes using Rails. My code curiosity led me to this website. It seems like a great place to learn and grow. I am excited to get started and interact with you all. I hope to learn a lot, help others, and connect with others.
Hello All,
I am Edward Romero, I am a senior software developer. I can do frontend but focus more on backend for some reason. I have now started to create youtube videos to share a lot of fun dev tips, nodejs goodies, and integrations with tools like github actions, and bunch others. I love to talk about software integrations and new technologies so if you have any discussion topics or if you're stuck trying to smash a bug or understanding of a topic, always feel free to reach out. 😁
hey everyone :)

I'm a junior junior iOS Developer from Brazil. I love to reflect about my learning process and that's kind of what brought me here. I'm currently studying python and data science, I hope to work with that someday. I guess this could be kind of a stereotype, but I play the cavaco and love samba haha (if you've never listened to it, i highly recommend!)
Hi everybody! In my last 2 searches abuout experiences with courses, the best results I found were posts from dev.to so I decided to create an account to share my experiences here too. Seems like a great community :3
Well, Hi guys. I was first just reading a article some friend sent to me and then i started to looking for some more and here i am... Hope i can learn more cause i need to. lol
I'm working as a developer for 2 years now and for about 1 year developing chatbots. Maybe i can help too. Tks.
hi there as i was going through learning MEAN stack, i came across this awesome community and i found amazing articles and helpful things, the first one i came across is the Burnout as a developer, it was helpful then i took a tour to explore more and found the website is amazing.
Hello Devs.
I am Roberto Urita, from the Mexican side of the border between Juarez Chih - El Paso TX.
Programmer and cook, both fro a little over 10 years.
Currently I work as a PM in a software agency in Mexico.
I'm learning Golang, but i'm a pythonist at heart. And also learn english.
Well...Hello guys my name is Moisés, I was checking a guy introduce website and saw this particular social network!! Very excited to learn some stuff from here and share experiences and knowledge with all you!!!!
Hello everyone!
I recently graduated and am about to join ZB.IO as a Full-Stack Developer. I have referred to many dev.to posts in the past and have always found the work of this community helpful. I am excited join and learn from everyone. I also hope to contribute to the great work being done here.
Cheers ✌️
well, I am new in this field were I start learning web developing this year. first I completed the first three freecodecamp courses. Then I moved to learn Django as a back end and React js as a front end. Right now I feel a bit of confident and the ability to accomplish a complete basic project. I read many useful article from this site. This field is not that easy to be part of but as I complete a task I got the power to to move on.
Yo. Just got to know about dev.to and have joined immediately. I am an android dev, but I like to explore various tech and things. Currently, I am learning vue and golang. Also into anime and dancing (I am not sure if that's relevant here though).
I hope I am able to learn as well as contribute here.
Hello Devs!
My name is Matt, I´m a Software Engineer passionate about design, programming, and learning cool stuff. I have just posted my first article here about Desing Patterns and plan to continue writing once a week to share about topics I love :)!
I´m looking forward to getting to know more great devs in this community and sharing valuable knowledge.
See you around!
Hello, I am a long time R/S Cisco centric engineer that took a DevNet exam class, which has led to an immense curiosity in learning all things development from understanding how DevOps works to writing Scripts and learning different programming languages as time permits.
Hey DEVs,
I'm a data scientist at a small company in TN. I'm here to further my learning on how I can more efficiently put my models into production. I'm really interested in DevOps and how it intersects with Machine Learning. I love to learn in general, so I'm open to everything else I can pick up here, as well.
Hi everyone !
I'm Quentin, currently in my end-of-studies internship @Theodo as a Web Developer :)
Since a year now I moved from a Data Science carreer path into a more Software Engineer one, as I wanted to understand how I could convert my useless Jupyter Notebooks into real apps ;)
Hope I'll learn some more here, see you soon !
hey dear all
Feels this is a community and the right place to be here and get connected and learn new stuff
I am a devops engineer and I have spent last half a year to try to make a automation a little bit more fun.
I will see you around
Hello DEV community.
I often stumble upon very interesting or educational articles on DEV.to. I finally decided to join the community and try to contribute back 😄.
My New Years resolution was to start writing more, and so I started a blog earlier this year. It's a new project for me, so there are only a handful articles so far, but I am excited to grow the content in the future. Feedback and comments are welcome. Feel free to check it out at blog.b3o.ca/
Hey guys,
Just joined in the community, plan to give back more than I learn. A brief intro about me, I love to solve hard problems and make the people around me better. My personal philosophy is constantly learning via books, or the internet or hands-on experience diving into new libraries and frameworks everyday. I've been typically found working on Mobile, AI, Sass or adjacent problems, but I'm a generalist.
Dev.to is an awesome initiative and let's all lift each other up in these covid times.
Hey all, I'm pretty new to Dev.to and programming. I'm also learning on Udemy. So I would love to get to know the community in time. I work in a supermarket. So coding is a hobby at the moment and maybe a career if it leads there. So hi talk to you soon :)
Hi, My name is John Elizondo. I'm starting to learn how block chain works, so that led me here.
Hi! Im from Argentina. I’ve studied for Accountant but Im also a techie and self learned Python and PHP. Now Im CFO of a company and Im here mostly to keep learning and contribute if I can on Python for finance.
Hello there!
I am very excited to be part of this community and to be able to share my content with you! Coming soon new assembly language posts and other programming languages on my dev.to!
Hey DEVs,
I am Yash, working as a full time BI Developer.
I am a data science enthusiast and always keen to learn more about the same.
It feels great to connect and learn from people around the world.
Hi Everyone,
I am Shashidhar Pai, a computer vision and Data Science guy. Always experimenting, always learning. Mostly a python programmer, but also work with R, Matlab, SQL(for work). I work for Lbrands as a customer analyst, love my job, to understand the customer demographics, thinking, and shopping patterns. Happy to be part of this community, looking forward to reading and sharing interesting articles/stories here!
Hi! I am Clébio! I came here because I was looking for a way to create a blog about my studies in data science. So a friend introduced me to dev.to. So I loved it! It's opensource!
I hope to write posts about data science and my personal projects to help each others and the community. Nowadays I'm trying to learn JavaScript and Node.JS.
Besides data science, I like physics (I'm also a physics teacher) and music!
Hello everyone ! :)
I'm Muamar Ali from the Philippines, currently working as PHP Developer with 2 years of experience. I joined here because I'm interested in reading articles here especially when it's new to me and some recommended best practices from other's developers. I hope I can also share some of my knowledge here in the future.
Hey fellow tech enthusiasts,
Sabarish here.
It's a pleasure to meet and interact with all like minded people like me. Thanks Dev community.. Curiousity as to learn how every technology works, led me to programming and here I'm introducing myself in DEV.
Hello Developers
I am Faizan Shaikh from India I have been doing different projects on deep learning for like 2 years and I hate data Cleaning and Labeling. I love to code I use flask, Django, FastAPI many times and had been building a good relationship with docker and docker-compose. Some times I code without coffee. And I am from a dark theme gang.
Hi everyone 👋🏾 - I'm Victor Kagarama. I am a front-end developer, going full-stack. I'm a lot interested in learning new technologies, mobile tech, blogging and memes! I'm glad to join dev.to and learn more from the community at large as well as sharing my passion for software development. Looking forward to a great experience and engagement on dev.to 😊
Twitter: twitter.com/VictorKagarama
Github: github.com/victokagarama
Hello fellow devs, my name is Michael and I dropped out of school at year 11th to presue streaming on twitch and some how along the way became a fullstack dev with 2 years experience.
Very eager to connect with other devs outside of the ones that I work with so if you are interested to get in touch, will be glad to get to know you :)
Hey Everyone - I'm Quinn and I'm a former EE that's turned the page to CS but am still early on the learning curve. I recently started a company Topmarq to host virtual car shows and built it initially in Django/Js but am moving to #React now as it seems more modern. Always enjoy seeing helpful tips here.
Hello everyone! 🙋♂️
I'm Hugo, french & young dev. After 8 months in a Bootcamp to learn web development, I continue to the University ! 🚀
Currently I am working on e-commerce web site for a company (made with Symfony) and I have started learning the Vue.js framework. 👨💻
Hello Everyone, I'm Suraj !! After trying out many things in life i finally landed on web development.. Still a learner 💛
Salut, je m'appelle Cherif et je suis très passionné de la programmation!
En fait je suis ici pour beaucoup apprendre et devenir autonome en programmation (Java, JS, PHP, HTML, CSS...); pour pouvoir à mon tour aider aux gens!
Hey Everyone! I'm almost done with my AAS in Computer Programming. I'm about to start database design and computer architecture, starting Monday. I'm familiar with C++
Hello developers,
I'm Manish , and I'm here to learning new skills😊
Hey Developers and learners,
I graduated this year without a non-CS background and pursuing my passion towards development. Currently learning React, NodeJs, Python and so on. I am interested in networking and full-stack development. I joined dev.to to learn things and get to know people. Thanks dev.to for having this platform. Looking forward to get to know more about the platform and the people and a lot...... #Learn #Develop
Hi Everyone, My name is Jimi. I'm an Aspiring Front-End Web Developer. I recently started working with Vanilla JavaScript. I have Basic Skills with HTML 5, CSS 3 and BOOTSTRAP.
Hello everyone, my name is Danial, I'm new here, I hope to get to know everyone a little better and learn some programming
I am ayush and I am learning coding
Aa it's fun
I am a rookie here
But trying to learn more and more everyday
Hi, i am Tony and i love coding and computing. :-)
Hey there everyone! I'm Matheus, from Brazil! I'm a full-stack web developer, currently curious about some new tech such as Flutter and Rust!
Well, hello. I'm really happy to meet you all... virtually.
My objective for 2020 is to build a simple website like this one -- by the way, shout out to Lydia Hallie for introducing me to this community. Take care of yourselves 🖤
Hello and welcome every news members to Dev.to Community ! 👋🏼😉
Hey. I am Allen. Glad to be a part of the dev community. I am really new to this, and already I am feeling good vibes of developers around the globe. I'm a second-year CS undergrad trying to explore the tech.
Hi, I'm Caleb
An aspiring Full stack developer
Hey everyone! I'm Madelyn, a backend software engineer based out of Chicago. Really excited for this opportunity to meet so many other devs!
Hi Everyone,
I am Ajinkya. I am full stack developer primarily in .net technologies, but I am like explore in other languages, frameworks too. Most of my side projects are related to game dev.
Very exciting to be part of the Dev Community and to learn from and to interact with you all.
Hi everyone,
I am new to the dev community and looking forward to getting to know some of you, learning, sharing and collaborating :)
Hi, i just love JS that's all
Hello everyone! I am Kingsley
Very happy to join the community! looking forward to catching up on posts and hopefully contribute very soon.
Hey there! So I am completely new to development where do you think i should start.
Still Exploring different domains.
But for now #app_development and #web_dev
I am here to stay and contribute! Namaste Guys
Hi 😁I am Mustapha, a front end developer. It's nice to be a part of this community
Hi DEVs Club, I'm Dev_mil from Nigeria.
I'm here to acquire more knowlede, share my coding skills.
I currently learning node.
Ready for code-dirty party! Cheers!
I lurk here a lot and decided to finally sign up so I can become part of the community.
Hi there everyone! New here. Only learning HTML and CSS yet...but still proud of it! :D
Hello every one.
Hi Everyone, I'm Eduardo from Mexico, I've 3 years working in Software Development and I'm leading my life to be a full stack developer, specializing in C # and mobile application development
Hi Everyone, I'm Justine from Nigeria nice to be here.
hello am Rejoice happy to join you guys. am a beginner started with HTML and CSS
Hi Community !!
um.hey so I was going through my twitter watching some people that I follow there and got a tip to be a part of a dev community , so here I am, looking forward to learning something every day.
Hey all.
Hi everyone, this site is very cool
Hello. Coding and IT student. Checking out what DEV app is all about.
Hello! I'm Jim from Argentina. I'm a non-binary (they/them pronouns) front end developer studying programming.
Hey everyone, I am a JS beginner, looking for learning resources.
Have stalked dev.to for a while, decided to join today!
i'm through of learn Design Patterns PHP. Already have something about it here?
Whether yes, anyone give any link to me?
Niaje ,Niaje(kenyan for wats up!)new to the developing game hoping to learn web development one day at a time..
Hello, :D
Hey Everyone!
I am Avi Thour, a student/freelancer right now who is learning stuff related to front-end dev everyday. Hope to have a good time here with you all.
Hi, I'm here to learn Python. I am new into programming. I hope it will be productive joining Dev.😊
Hi! Nice to be here, thank you. :)
I am a beginner. Dev community have the most helpful and kindest people I have met online. Thank you. I am really hopeful to learn a lot in diverse fields.
Hey happy to be here.
I am Ibrahim Chowdhury from Bangladesh. I am an Software Engineer. I am working as Web Application developer.
Hi everyone,
I am Rahul Kalyankar from India. I am crazy about computers.
I searched for git command and landed on this website.
Quero dominar o mundo! hahahahahahah mentira ! amo cozinhar se fazer muita comida e quero conhecer lugares e tenho amor por minha família!!!!
Hiiiii, I was born in Honduras and I like to listen Bad Bunny's music hahaha.
Hello everyone! I'm wannabe web developer currently focused on JAMstack. I'm an avid reader of dev.to articles and I feel great to know this platform since it's inception days.
Hi Everybody!
Yo, got invited here after github's hacktoberfest event of 2019
I was reading a Dev article recommended by my Coding Bootcamp on "101 Tips For Being A Great Programmer". Evidently, I also created a Dev user account in the process. 😂
Hello, I am a python developer getting into data science and machine learning.
Hello Everyone!
I am Erin McNulty (she/hers) and I am a student and web developer at Columbia University!
I am an MLH fellow and a hackNY fellow as well. Excited to meet everyone!
Hello, I am Tej from Nepal. I am currently studying computer science. And the curiosity towards programming brought me to this platform.
Hey DEVs,
I am Drashti Trivedi. Done my MSc in ICT and currently working in Infosys as a developer.
Hello, I'm from Malaysia, and new here. nice to meet you all. :D
Hi guys
Am new here
I hope I learn a lot from u guys
Am interested in web development
Hi, I am Anil Sen a Web Developer from India. I love to code.
Hi guys,
I am gokul, just a high school student. I took biology 😠 but recently discovered that programming is much more FUN.
So currently, a typical self taught JavaScript programmer😀
Hello! I'm interested in anything and everything that's self-improvement, personal development, reaching goals, overcoming obstacles and the like. This seems like a good place to learn. :D
Hello ! I'am a french full stack (mean) developper! Here to read some stuff, and try to write too ! Hope you will like them :) !
Hi all
Hi everyone
Hello, I am Rishabh Malviya and the beginner React programmer.
Searching for a good instructor to master React or even can guide me as a Mentor
Hello all...
Im new, this post explain me :)
1 year experience, enjoying learning, but unfavorable atmosphere. Should I continue or not?
ziad696 ・ Aug 21 ・ 1 min read
Hello World
:))Hello, I'm Zak
A Front-end developer, gamer and movie/games soundtracks lover.
Nice to meet all of you.
Hello, everyone👋. I'm a web developer who has completely immersed in dynamism thanks to my dynamic business process builder...
Hello here I'm muse, I'm trying out writing about the little experience I'm getting or got from software development to help beginners improve on themselves..