Welcome to DEV!
Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
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Hi, I´m Bokomoko. I´m a carbon-based lifeform, fueled by carbohydrates and challenges. I like to learn and to teach, especially things that I don´t know (teaching included). Manguetown is where I live here in Brazil.
Great intro, hopefully, we work together on an open-source project using VUE!
Unique intro, love it😍
I'm a data scientist/deep learning researcher. I'm primarily interested in applying deep learning to problems and producing actionable insights. In particular, I'm interested health, climate, and agriculture. I also am the maintainer of several open source projects.
Can I join with one of these projects with member
Sure. As I I wrote in another post we are currently looking for more contributors for Flow-Forecast which is an open source deep learning for time series framework. Currently flow-forecast is serving as the backend of two other important projects as well:
COVID-19 Forecasting at CoronaWhy where we are developing county level forecasting models to give highly granular information to epidemiologists and public health officials.
Flash and river flow flood prediction which is meant to predict river flows, flash floods, and droughts across the U.S. and how they will change under the domain shift of climate change.
Hey Isaac! Have you worked on any data-related problems surrounding racial justice in the US? I'm currently researching companies that facilitate connections between data scientists and social action organizations, so just wondering based on your interests.
No I haven't worked too much in that area. I've primarily been focused on healthcare (forecasting ICU length of stay, COVID forecasts, a bit with drug discovery) and climate (river/flash flood forecast, extreme weather prediction). But there are definitely groups that do that sort of stuff.
I'm a frontend freak. I'm still a student eager to learn much skills to showcase
Several Hacktoberfest open source projects...? :P
Can I join with one of these projects with member..??
Hello from Curitiba 👋
Hello from Dourados - MS
Greetings everyone. Recently finding myself pivoting in my career due to COVID, currently in a 'pseudo-bootcamp' hosted by my local community. We recently had a guest speaker and mentioned this site and the opportunity to learn and network with like minded individuals in the tech space. Happy to be here and looking forward to being part of a great community!
That's so great you have a local community already! What does the bootcamp look like? What are you learning? :)
Its a front-end dev boot camp, so we're learning JS, CSS and HTMlL. The reason why I said pseudo is because it follows a boot camp curriculum (LaunchCode), but its taken at a much slower pace to help ensure understanding.
Ahhh gotcha! That sounds really good though to have that support and also taking it at a slower pace. The full-on bootcamp experience is good but also can leave holes in knowledge, so it's great you can just absorb everything at whatever pace is right.
This is good to hear! Enjoy the career and the community! I am new around here too :P
Dear Lance,
I try to find a contact (email?) to you. It is hard to reach you. I couldn't find contact infos on your GitHub account.
It is about the "Back In Time" project at GitHub. I'm one of the new maintainers there.
Please reply to c.buhtz@posteo.jp
I'm Adam. A deep learning engineer and general software hacker. I have been building software since I was a kid, recently I have been on a kick building Machine Learning for Creators.
I am the technical founder of popgun.ai (Techstars 2017) and am looking for my next business. Popgun is VC backed, and I think with this next project I wanna try bootstrapping it.
I am currently building a deep learning-based photography suite. Early days yet, but it's fun.
Amazing! Deep learning based photography suite sounds fun!
Hi, I'm
Daniel Philip Johnson
Hey Daniel
It's awesome that you're an actual psychologist. I'm kind of the inverse profile. Graduated from Comp Sci but find psychology and neuroscience to be fascinating subjects.
Welcome to DEV!
That's amazing Juan! I studied neuroscience I focused on perceptual priming and detecting lies and deceits in the brain.
I'm hoping to merge them psychology and programming together.
Ohhh pretty interesting stuff!
With your new knowledge of programming, you can be much closer to uncovering the "source code" of the brain 😛
I believe it is spaghetti code at best and has way too many dependencies 😅. The brain was rushed 🤔
Hey Daniel, I'm following the same path than yours :)
Good luck with that !
Hola! Me llamo Gilbert I was born and raised in Puerto Rico (soy Boricua "Pa' Que Tu lo sepas!") that lives in Texas. I am fully bilingual, English, español, or Spanglish. I enjoy talking about ba$h and other scripting languages, macOS, cooking, and traveling. For my hobbies, I like playing video games, doing macrame, and long walks on the beach.
Hoooola Gilbert, Spanglish is the way to go hahaha
Welcome to DEV!
Yes, asi mismo es!
Hey I'm Ash.
I finally had the balls to quit my job and invest full time in my programming career. I'm a newbie in Web Development. Aspiring Data scientist.
I strongly believe de Dev community is the best out there - And of course, I'm a nerd for productivity.
Les Petits Plaisirs de la vie.
Infinitely curious.
Hi! I'm Ricardo! I'm a "full-stack" engineer--this means I know a bit of python and a bit of frontend development and like to be more generalized in the stack. I'm from Brazil and currently living in NY.
Focusing currently on learning golang and tune-up my skills with react and other fancy frontend frameworks. I also want to adventure in tech writing and mentoring, so hmu if you need help with Django, React, databases, CS... or for a (virtual these days) coffee. Happy to be part of the community!
Hi I'm Burger,
I'm a software engineering student, I do frontend development. I am also a digital marketer, I love to teach newbies web development because I tend to learn more from teaching. I love to kick off Coding daily with Ariana Grande songs or 6LACK. I don't take coffee and I'm conversation friendly.
I live in Nigeria. I look forward to meeting great developers here and also get my first job as a Web Development Tutor.
Happy Coding 👩💻👩💻
Ya welcome. Big head. Lol
Thank you Coconut head
Heyooo, I'm Holden, and I'm a trained opera singer and trans activist turned programmer. I recently finished a 3-month bootcamp focusing on the MERN Stack, and now I'm excited to absorb everything that comes in a 2 meter (but not less because COVID, y'all) radius.
I'm interested in contributing to open source projects and making the web a bit more accessible.
nice, i am currently preparing an article about accessibility, plan to publish next week.
little hint, it is about using the
module oraxe-cli
.stay tuned, i think dev will be a good place for you.
Oh very nice, looking forward to your article!
Hi, I am Neha. I write about almost anything buy somehow writing about A/B testing for the last 2 years. I am 20 and kind of clueless about many things. Loving DEV so far. I hope it will help me explore the subtopics regarding optimization more. Also, a BTS stan.
Just saw a post about Hacktober so came here and saw here is a good community. I am a Full Stack software developer having interest in JavaScript and its Library and Willing to work with other devs and improve my skills and help others too.
Welcome to DEV! 🎉
Thank You
Hi.Im Tech-Helper503.I'm Full stack developer.I like my projects open-source.Here's a brief list of what you can expect:
-React Native
-React Native + Firebase
-Angular Material
-Firebase functions
-Git & Github
Hello Friends My name is Andres Piedra. I am 31. I am Web-Mobile-Desktop Developer. It is nice learn and participate in this Blog. Thanks to creators and authors and peolpe who colaborate. Grettings from Quito-Ecuador
Welcome to DEV!
This just came to my mind reading your intro 😅
Hahaha...So good Frieeend... . Turu Turu Turu... Ecuador!!
Hello, I am from the a small and beautiful town in Mexico, I love the nature and love the code, I am try improve my English for participe in proyects inside the community open source, I am PHP and xamarin developer.
Hello Guys 🖐️ I am Swayam. My Nick name is Sam.
I am 13 year old programming aspirant i have completed Python basics and created many programs with it + Basics of Java + Basics of web development (HTML , CSS , JS).
I want to learn app development especially Android.
Hope we all will help each other in this community.
Hey, Karan here! Digital Marketer based in Auckland. Currently, self-employed, I enjoy having meaningful conversations about life and technology, inspired by Elon Musk. I love motorcycles and plan to tour the world on a Triumph once I'm the position to do so or more so when the world is open (COVID lol)
👋 Hi hi devs!
I'm Elicia and I'm a 2nd-year Commerce/ Computer Science student from Australia.
I'm interested in areas such as design, web development, data analysis and international business. Right now, I'm learning Java and Object Oriented Programming for a university course as well as working on building my website/blog.
Looking forward to getting more involved in the community and learning from everybody! 😊
Hi, I'm mohith from Chennai, India and I google things. I'm currently on my way to becoming a ReactJS developer. I've been searching for communities that could point me in the right direction and I think I have ended up in the right place . A google search led me here and I'm excited to be a part of the community :D
Hey NG, welcome to the community!!
Hi, I'm Dan! I've recently been getting into Python and have been loving it! So many libraries to make your projects more meaningful and rich. I like HTML and CSS (not a lot though), and I currently am working on my Discord bot, Snek, and a project with @creepinson , apache-dcg, which generates domain config files for Apache2! Greetings and salutations from Florida, USA :D
Hi there!
I'm Vladimir from Russia, Innopolis. A bachelor's computer engineer student and an open-minded person. I'm interested in web development and design. I really want make websites more convinient for users. Also, the data science and parametric programming topics seems interesting to me.
I am happy to be part of a "dev.to" fellowship. Good luck all with coding and making something new!
By the way, «Quis custodiet ipsos custodies?» is my favorite question. Due to this question, many conspiracy theories appear :) Thus, what is your answer?
Hi everyone, I’m John, A full-stack engineer engineer learning more Programming languages and frameworks to be dangerous in many situations. Currently I’m learning React.js and Node.js through a Flatiron’s boot camp and Python along with Assembly on my downtime.
Hello everyone, I'm Erika. Today has been my first day dedicated to my first hacktoberfest, and I also decided to signup here and hopefully meet fellow developers with passion for code, pizza and action films. See you!
Hello Developers,
Am Ganeshakumar. Mobile App lover along with its development! Happy to be part of this community. Looking more to give and take some experience.
I am currently building mobile apps using React Native & SwiftUI. Talk to me about the mobile apps.
Thanks for reading. Good day ahead.
Hi, my name is Vitor Morais and I work as a system developer (fullstack). Currently I seek to improve myself in the area and create a network of connections with people from other companies, mainly from outside my country (Brazil). One of my career goals is to be able to work remotely for some international company and in the future to be part of a large community or even create one.
Hi ,I am Sunidhi
Hello ,
I have completed my Post Graduate Course in Big Data Analytics . I have done a handful of guided projects . I would like to develop my skill set by working on some challenging projects here :)
Hi, everyone!
I'm a Web Developer and Software Engineer College Student from Pekanbaru, Indonesia, mostly front end. I started programming since about 1 year ago and i want to a be a fullstack web developer. I'm interested with Javascript and PHP framework especially ReactJS and Laravel, currently my goal is to be able to use these two frameworks as a fullstack web developer.
Things what brought me here is that i always looking for ReactJS tutorial and dev always serve me some awesome tutorials, thanks!
Hi everyone, a java back end developer here from Zimbabwe, hoping to share and learn with the community. I am skilling up in mobile and web, and looking forward to learning how to create large and stable flutter mobile apps and javascript single page applications (vue, react, angular cli).
Hi, I am Ramesht Shukla
Hey, I'm Rohit. A Novice in the field of Android Development and I'm learning android development in Kotlin as of now. Made a project back in May which was a Covid19 Tracker and that was my first android project. I'm more of a project centric guy when it comes to learning rather than watching tutorials. I also like to play Chess. : )
Hello, I'm Radovan a young BE dev from Brno developing mostly stuff built around the GCP. I stumbled upon this site after a discussion of medium alternatives. I came here so maybe I can learn something new and share my knowledge and experience.
Hi, I am Godsall from Nigeria an SAP Security and GRC Associate Consultant. I am looking forward to DEV Ops, cloud security and engineer career path. Currently working on AZ-104 cert. Humble to contribute, learn and grow on this platform. Thank you!
Hey i am Kartik Agarwal from India , i came to know about the platform from hacktoberfest , I am been learning android and web development , also working in Aws. I like to learn new technology like i am learning blockchain , kotlin currently. Good to know you guys.
Hi folks!
I am Samarth.
I am from India. I've recently started getting my hands dirty with development codes, and have start doing the same in parallel to the Data Structures and Algorithm thing, that I used to do way back on the paths of time!
I am excited, somewhat scared too: scared of the infinite lengths, breadths, and depths of Web Dev. but nevertheless its no back now for me!
Hoping to foster great community spirit, with you, if perchance you happen to read this small snippet all way down to this very word!
I am an engineer and aspiring data science student pursuing Masters in Data Science who is passionate about learning and leveraging technologies.I have worked with machine learning, deep learning, artificial intelligence, and business analytics problems.I Love sharing my knowledge and my insights of learning with others through Blogging ...
Hello, I am Amrutha . I registered for Hackoctoberfest for the first time as a part of which I've joined dev. I am presently an engineering student looking forward to become a good developer. This would be one of the first community I am in. Thank you
Hello form Massa Lubrense the most beautiful place in Italy (like all the place in italy xD).
So, i'm Giulio and I'm a Software Engineer.
I like to learn and to teach, my main language is Java
Nice to meet you =)
Hello, My name is John and I'm a Graduate Student in Software Development.
Greetings everyone
I am Manu Mathew. I am from India. I am a web-developer and a competitive programmer.
I ama passionate thinker . I love coding in python. I love working with frameworks like flask.
I am very happy and find myself lucky to be a part of this large community.
Hi, my name is Manelisi, all the way from South Africa. I'm a student in web development with a passion for learning, growing and overcoming challenges. I'm here to see if I can actually contribute to projects on Hacktoberfest and if I can learn a few more things on the way.
Hey l'm a front-end web developer, currently learning React-Redux JavaScript library. Aming to become a full stack developer. Hence am here to share and learn different technologies that will help to grow as a developer and a learner.
Hi everyone, I'm glad that you gave me a chance to be part of this community. "How did I land up here" I was looking for something on internet when I first happened to see this website and I truly liked it, the way it's designed and how full freedom is given to the user to add images, templates etc. This is something, that I couldn't hold back myself from creating an account.
I work as an accounting software specialist for QuickBooks. Nice product by intuit majorly for small and medium sized business holders. Please feel free to get in touch if you know anything about QuickBooks.
Hi, I'm Shashwat sharma I am currently a second year Computer Science undergraduate and highly inclined towards Cyber Security. I'm persistently working on my path of becoming a perceptible Ethical Hacker ,Cyber Security Specialist/Expert.
Hi! My name's Joe. I went to school for CS seven years ago, but took time away to get an education in filmmaking. Now I'm back to web development, and I'm excited about all the new developments!
I'm currently working on broadening my knowledge of node.js/vue.js/jamstack stacks while contributing to open source projects. I love collaborating and leveraging technology to make the web more accessible for everybody.
Hi Everyone,
I'm Mohammad, Backend Engineer by day, Technical Lead by night
Specialist in backend technologies, Experienced with AWS, Docker, and also frontend technologies.
I'm happy to be here and will post regularly about Backend, AWS and IT startups!
Hai, saya Bokomoko. I´ma bentuk kehidupan berbasis karbon, didorong oleh karbohidrat dan tantangan. Saya suka belajar dan mengajar, terutama hal-hal yang tidak saya ketahui (termasuk pengajaran). Manguetown adalah tempat saya tinggal di sini di indonesia
Hey all! I'm Christine. I've been studying front end development for a few years now and was starting to apply for jobs when the pandemic hit this year. I took a break for some personal reasons and am having a hard time finding motivation to get back to coding. Anyone else experience this?
Glad to be officially part of this community as I've been reading posts on here for quite some time. I couldn't remember my password so I just made a new account today via my github.
Hello. I'm a developer, but apparently a technically challenged one because I joined and thought I introduced myself on the welcome thread, but no one said anything and I thought I was just lame or something. Then I checked my own comment on my page and got a 404 when clicking on it, so. whomp.
Let's try it again. I'm just looking for like-minded individuals who like lighthouses, long walks on the beach... and are passionate about being professional devs. Always looking for ways to improve my craft and myself, and looking forward to a much better curated newsfeed than some other well-known social platforms provide.
hmm. well apparently my original post does exist, and I'm either just lame or dumb. ¯\(ツ)/¯
Hey, I'm Avneesh.
I'm student. I'm interested in software development and competitive programming. I'm also quite desperate for pc building and gaming. Right now I'm learning cross platform gui apps in C++ and shell scripting. I want to share some ideas on dev and help other people in open-source projects.
Hi, I'm Gaurav Sharma. soon will join engineering college, I know c & c++, I also love to solve algorithms challenges. Currently, I'm learning Web Dev, DS & Algo. , I'm interested in doing something practical during my engineering, so I will contribute to open-source (also crack GSoC), and also I wanna make my own apps so I will be learning flutter too, There is a lot to do, looking for mentors, seniors and buddies , if you have any suggestion or tip or whatever, feel free to reply here, I will greatly appreciate it.
Thank You
Hello everyone, My name is Andrew, I am an aspiring game developer and level designer (UNITY in training). I know absolutely nothing about coding, and I seek to learn everything there is to learn about it. C# is what I am thinking will be a good place to start, I like a challenge, but only when it pertains to something I am passionate about (Making Games)!
Forgive me as I begin my long journey of mistakes and errors, someday I may be able to help others such as myself. I am also a music producer and graphic designer with several different projects out there in case anyone is ever interested in exploring that side of my life. PSYBR Media is my brand that I associate with my projects and releases, because I know all of you were absolutely dying to know that! ;) Thanks for listening. I hope everyone is well!
Hi, I'm Kurai021. I'm a web frontend/UI Designer from Panama. I am focused on improving my skills related to design and UX, without losing sight of web development. Would you like to collaborate with me on a project?, by the way I am looking for support for a personal project, just write me if you want to know more about it
Hi! I'm Sarah, a newer member of the dev community and hoping to make this world a better place with my skills. I'm a lover of art, sustainability, experiential education, fighting racial injustices, and creating systems and tools of support to help those in greatest need. Not unlike others, I'm in a constant battle to overcome imposter syndrome. I would love to connect with people who leverage their coding skills for social good endeavors or work for mission based companies.
Hello! My name is Frank, I code in Swift/SwiftUI for iOS/macOS platforms. I play a ton of video games and love researching tech in all aspects, run a homelab of a few services and starting to write articles about my journey as an iOS developer. I live in the USA. Nice to meet you all!
Hi, I'm Sneha! A bit about me:
I'm a senior in college right now, studying computer science.
I love organizing hackathons! For the past few years, I've been running the largest hackathon in Detroit - GrizzHacks.
I'm looking to build projects, write blog posts and become a better full-stack software engineer!
Hi, I'm Grumhelden, hobby dev, sysops professional, now devops devotee and making the hobby and the dayjob mesh more. I like automation and coffee. I love mentoring and watching people outgrow the advice I can give :)
Hi, I am Raihan Taher. I am from Bangladesh. Currently working for Orsted in Malaysia. I am a passionate software developer. I like to learn new things and teach to other people. I mainly work with .NET stack. I am also an Author. I have written a book about C#. I also have 2 videos courses on C# and Angular.
I am really excited to be part of this community.
Hi, I'm Sundarapandiyan and electrical engineer. Now I am interested to move to learn and teach data science with my thoughts. My goal is to become a data scientist and create a unicorn with help of our community.
Hey everyone ! I am Rishika. I am currently a CSE major undergrad. I am participating in my first hactober fest and was prompted here from one of the mails and I hope to explore more about open source it is quite interesting !
If any one might be able to tell me out it would be really appreciated. Please and Thank you.
Hello everyone! My name is David. Recently I have been learning about distributed systems and am working on a python bittorrent client to help solidify my understanding of the specification. Hit me up if you want to talk about that or anything really. Some other things I find interesting include networking, design, architecture, iot, web dev.
Hello, I’m Sejuti Sharmin. I’m a junior Software Developer and Software Engineering undergrad student at with few credits left to graduate. I am mostly driven by my passion and I find joy in creating something from scratch. I’m interesting in learning & improving.
Hey everyone! I'm Mirela and I've recently discovered dev.to as I was looking for a better alternative to Medium. I'm a web designer and I write about web design & Webflow! Can't wait to learn from this community and give my contribution too!
Hi, I'm Sidney.
I live in Brazil, I am graduating in the course of analysis and systems development and I am very happy to be able to participate in this great event and be part of the open source world.
Hello all Techies,
My name is Sachin and I am a self-taught developer. I started to learn code a few years back when I was doing my master's in mechanical engineering. Now, I work as a Frontend Developer for a service-based IT company.
I enjoy learning new things and very much enthusiastic about Tech, that's why I am here to learn from others as well as help others in learning.
Hey Everyone! I'm D.J., I'm an illustrator and screen printer transitioning careers into WordPress development. I've been working in WordPress since 2009, but now I'm going deeper and starting to work on themes and plugins. Happy to have found this community!
Hi i am Sambhu show, My hobby is Competitive Programming , Recently i started Contributing to open source Project , I got to know about this from Hacktoberfest 2020,
It's really fun looking into other projects, understanding them and contributing, hope if i got to know about this earlier,
Now , i have been redirected here from Hacktoberfest 2020, I will like to get to know about this platform more, having fun in this, looking forward for more
Hi. I'm Dani from Barcelona. I'm a software engineer, mainly backend java although I have developed some apps for iOS and Android. I join the community to learn more about several topics and also see if I can help others by writing useful posts.
Starting to explore. A little bit of knowledge and (unprofesional) experience in Python, IPFS and theory of blockchain technology. Philosophically: I own myself, You own yourself - let's enjoy the ride (life).
Hi, I like Jennie Blackpink.
oh sorry. I meant, my first language is C#
but my other languages are Python, Javascript and a bit of Magik
mostly work on Web, but I also do Window Application as well.
oh, and I also do GIS, if there is any GIS developer here, say Whaddup!
Hi! I am Alessandro, actually based in Rome, an human being deeply linked to technology.
I actually work as a Red Hat Certified Instructor/Architect/Examiner for a RH partner company in Italy.
I love studying, sharing knowledge and learn stuff, that's basically why I am here!
Hi, I'm Endy. I am a software dev by training but along the line I fell in love with Behavioral Econ/Psychology and Neuroscience.
I'm currently running LifeTechPsych to help new coders and junior devs on their journey. Excited to be part of this community!
Hi! I am Alessandro, actually based in Rome and working hard to improve my knowledge and expertise on kubernetes.
I actually work as a Red Hat Certified Instructor/Architect and Consultant for a RH partner company in Italy.
I love learning, reading and transferring knowledge and that's why I joined this community!
Hello all! My name is Carlo. I'm an aspiring software developer in Missouri. Looking to learn from others. I'm a junior developer with experience in Ruby on Rails, some JavaScript, and basic html/css.
I love talking web dev, music, and movies! Give me a shout if you want to collaborate.
Hi everyone! I'm a Canadian student and software developer who mostly works with Java & Android (Java/Kotlin), but I'm hoping to branch out and learn Swift as well as some front-end.
My current goals are to network and completely overhaul my personal website by re-coding it from scratch.
I switched to tech from the film & television industry, and I love to try and bring creativity and art into my work to keep things fun.
Hi, everyone . I'm frontend dev from VietNam, but now living in Japan. Nice to meet you !!!
Hi I'm Mario! 👋 I'm a software contractor. In my spare time I'm a No-Coder and indie maker of Pageably, See Memo, contracto.dev and more!
Hi all! I'm a mostly JavaScript developer and automation person (I love to automate processes, whether it's connecting a CRM tool to a 3CX phone system, writing AWS Lambas, or using the neat Zapier platform to help non-tech colleagues automate their workflow) and I'm currently working on completing some Hacktoberfest challenges as a break from developing a game in C# with Unity.
As an open source contributor and maintainer, I would be honoured if any of you JavaScript peeps or web-extension developers felt like contributing to my recently released Firefox extension Multidict: github.com/GrayedFox/multidict
Oh and yes, it is hacktober fest opted in ;)
I live, work, and play in Berlin although was born in Australia. Have worked in the games industry, ad-tech, food-tech, energy sector, and transport sector - and have finally gotten back into games, whoop! Happy coding all.
PS - reading the introductions and responses now - this community is just so effing vibrant and positive, what a wonderful change of pace! Who knew the internet could be so kind 😉
Greetings everyone.i am Yetesfa from Ethiopia, am in Love with Laravel and cant wait to become Full stack developer, it is my 6 month plan and on the first day i find out "dev.to" , wish me luck and show me the ways if you are Full stack Dev .
Hey I'm Jocelyn! I'm an English and CS student with dev experience and currently interested in web security, cryptography, and game development. I love watching and analyzing films, playing piano, video games, and reading in my spare time :)
Hey! I saw you had a discord bot on your GitHub, would love to hang out sometime!
Hello, I'm refeed. I'm a human surprisingly and currently studying Software Engineering. I really like opensource and have participated and mentored in some programs including Google Code-in and Google Summer of Code for some organizations. I also like cybersecurity thingy though I haven't started learning it till now, I also really wanna be a fullstack developer. Good to see you everyone!
Hello I am Rishabh Dhawad , I am a student currently studying Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning . I am enthusiastic toward my passion and want to explore in the Software Development field . I have joined this community because I want to learn best of the best things from this community .
Heyyyy guyss this is Harnoor Puniyani , an cybersecurity enthusiast. I like to learn and explore things most of the time by getting into trouble and finding my way out . Hey this is the real noob me .
Hullo, I'm Jade. I'm a UK-based web dev who also draws and loves garlic bread. I've been learning React this year for some side-projects I'm working on and I'm excited to see where things go from here! I never post on online communities due to anxiety/imposter syndrome so I'd also like to be better at contributing to discussions etc :)
Hi, Everyone. My self Randeep Rana and I am a MERN stack developer and and a Freelancer as well, I just joined this community and found "dev.to" very interesting and knowledgeable platform.
I'm new here so Feel Free to Guide me Like how I can get new clients for web development. I heard about dev.to that there are lot of amazing developer who are always ready to help each others.
Thank you.
Randeep Rana😊.
Hey There! I'm Jameel, freshman to the Dev world from Jamaica. Looking to learn, grow and be apart of something bigger through software and tech. Bright-eyed young hatch-ling looking for guidance to spread his own wings someday :3
Hello I'm Manan, a 15 year old student, who loves to code and learn new thing daily. I am currently beginning to learn vue js and have a good experience in python and js.
Looking forward to collaborate among the dev community :-)
Hi, I'm Deka you can call me DK (using English pronounce). I'm from Indonesia and filled with spriit of learning. I love Web Tech since Senior High School. Happy to be here and looking forward to contribute in this community. 😀
Hi, I'm Benno. I'm a full stack engineer mainly using Go and Vue.JS.
I am a believer of open source and working on a project, covergates, which is a self-hosted alternative to codecov or coveralls.
Happy to be part of a great community!
Hi I'm Jesse, from San Francisco and on the team at stepzen.com/. We're building a platform for developers to stitch together multiple internal and external APIs into a unified GraphQL schema to make development faster and more enjoyable. It's very early days but we have a prototype and would love to get feedback. If you're interested, please mention or message me!
Hi I'm Jesse, on the team at stepzen.com and based in San Francisco. We're building a platform for developers to stitch together multiple internal and external APIs into a unified GraphQL schema to make development faster and more enjoyable. It's very early stages and we're looking for feedback on some of our early prototypes. If you're interested to learn more, please message me!
Hello, im from Monterrey, Mexico
Im studying software engineering at UANL, also, since June 2020 im a Platzi Master member. Im actually learning react because I want to become a frontend developer and researching through Google I found this pretty cool web site, I hope y'all have a nice day
PS. Im a huge fan of making friends all over the world using internet, so you can hit me with a DM at instagram @___gera666___
Hi, I'm Pablo. I'm currently learning web dev in a local bootcamp and I hope my work might help people in the near future 🤞
Hi I am Adrian, I like to call myself the "codingwzrd"-also my insta username lol ×D.
I try to improve myself everyday and I would encourage every beginner to never lose hope and always be persistent in achieving your goals!
Sending love from Berlin!
Hi! My name is Shannon and I'm into all things marketing, design, tech and sustainability. Currently working in the tech space at Codebots (codebots.com/) and have just started learning about app development.
Hello everyone, I'm an engineering student trying to improve my current coding. I'm currently learning react. Learned basics through docs and courses. I primarily code in python or c. Interested in ml and deep learning.
Hey all! I am a Front End Dev doing everything backward from others I think (Angular > Vue > now React) and stumbled across the DEV community. Fun fact: I am at the paint stage in a 10 year restoration of my 1972 Chevelle SS 454 :horray:
Hi! I am Neelansh. I love designing and creating software. I love all things Javascript, Vue, PHP, Laravel and also .NET :)
Hi, I'm Abhijeet, a sophistical rhetorician, inebriated with the exuberance of his own verbosity.
Hello fellow developers !
I'm a student who wants to learn how to make beautiful dynamic websites in React.js.
But I'm still learning pure vanilla Javascript, deeper than my educational background in order to master it before moving on the React adventure !
Hope to find lots of people in the web to communicate and share our ideas on different programming subjects (and why not others !)
Cheers ! :D
Hi, i'm Victor. I'm new to programming, i just started my way to WebDev. I got here by twitter recommendation.
Linda here, I am here for get and share knowledge and memes.
Welcome every body 🙂🙂
Hello myself Kulendu from India, I'm a ML/DL Enthusiast who likes to take challenges in life. I like to tweaking myself with the new technologies that I come around.
So its been almost 2 months I have been getting my hands dirty on the ML field. Anybody can suggest me, as being a newbie from where can I get some good ML/DL resources. :)
Hi, I'm Raghul. I'm a web developer. I like to explore and learn areas which i'm not in it, especially things that I don't know. I live in Chennai, India.
I'm a 32 years old, coming from non-tech area, almost finishing my graduation in System Analysis and Development (after some what, 4... 5... quits from college), also into some bootcamps of programming and stuff. For now, focused on the JavaScript world, tending to the back-end with Node.js - I'm think that is a good point to entry in the business for now. Moving to Canada with my wife and dog in few years if Covid-19 and brazillian currency be gentle.
Sup' everybody ! Web developer looking to become better and better. Looking forward your blog posts ! I aim to be as good as I possibly can. Currently working with React, Node and Typescript.
Hello everyone!
My name is Valentyn, and I'm a full-stack JS developer from Ukraine. I like different stuff - from technologies to history and philosophy.
You can feel free to ask or propose anything, I'm always open to new opportunities and I will be glad to help 🌊
Hello,I am Nima patel . I from to india. I live in Ahmedabad city in Gujarat state.i am computer engineering And I have skills web developer, software developer, and professional gamer.
Hi! My name is Nayla Gomes, I'm 19 years old, I live in Brazil, and I found this place through the hacktoberfest! I'm a development intern always looking to learn more, and I think this is a great place for that, especially to improve my English, which is not very good :D
Hi, I'm Shivam Shekhar. I'm a CSE undergrad student and a budding full-stack web developer.
People say I make their lives better.
Well here I am,
Contributing to dev community, my plan here is to make what is inaccessible, accessible to a laymen, i.e., explaining so called complex terms in a practical way!
I will be covering topics related to CS and JS in particular.
So hop in! We are going to have a wonderful ride!
Where line between Complexity and Simplicity will sink.
with Joy,
Hello World! I am Sumit, a full-stack developer based out of Pune, India. I have a huge inclination towards front-end and I am currently enjoying writing my apps in Vuejs. I am here to learn more and share my ideas, tricks that I have acquired working on various projects.
Hello everyone. Just got here. I'm John. A budding python developer. I hope I'm able to learn a lot from you guys here.
Hey folks,
I am Aritra from India. I am a graduate in Electronics and Communication. I am author at Weights and Biases. I write fun stuffs in Deep Learning. You can find more about me here. I love Python as it serves me quite efficiently. I am also a Flutter and Android enthusiast.
Hi, everyone. I am Zhi Heng - MERN stack engineer.
I like learning and learning.
I am here to learn good coding.
Hi, I'm Abdul Jabbar
Hi I'm Aravind Chowdary, I'm a lazy programmer who always explores github (yeah, ofcourse to copy / paste codes from others 😈). I like speaking to intelligent people.
I live in Salt Lake City and am learning C# for my back-end dev job. I got my degree in Business and did a web dev bootcamp at General Assembly in San Francisco.
Hi, I am Alan. I come from Taiwan, and I am a backend web developer which familiar with PHP and Node.js. I love sharing everything and hope to be part of this community.
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Hi guys,
Hello 👋
Hi, I'm Tamjid. I'm a simple person but passionate about security. I love hacking for internet make safer place in the world. I'm from Bangladesh. Hack the planet.
Hi I am geek 👨💻
Exploring Open Source <3
Hello my name is Zack I'm a young web developer looking for help in javascript but I still have projects I've made with HTML and CSS
Hello everyone, I’m Devon. I have been snacking on React for the past few months while working on other projects, and I’m liking the way it tastes. Here to expand the base, and do some cool stuff
Hi, My name is Neeraj. I'm a student and beginner level web developer. I want to explore more about web development and learn lots of things. I live in India.
Hey everyone!! I'm Willian, an Elixir/Ruby developer. Love functional programming languages!
Hi, i am An Humanoid lifeform fueled by photosynthis and Software Challanges. I would love to work on your next Software Project!
Unique tophic
unique intro
Hy, I'm Anshul. Do lots of Front-End, now wanted to go deep and explore different domain in tech stack. Seeking some projects in open source.
Hi, I'm Sascha. I'm a senior devop and I would love to get in touch with interesting people and talk a lot about tech and also about other topics. Feel free to follow me ;-) Thanks
whats up fellow developers
Hi, I'm Harsha. I'm an android developer(Kotlin and Java). Currently learning Dart & Flutter. Always interested to learn anything new. Just love to solve real-world problems with code.
hello DEV world.
i wish you healthy life!
Susnata here. A web developer, and an ML enthusiast, learning everything that interests me.
Hi, I am Hamza Khan. I am Google Certified Associate Android Developer. Love to work with the community, for the community.
Lets hack together.
Hacktoberfest #Dev #Github #open-source
Hi I'm Chinmayaswami, a bundle of excitement and fun. I love to create and develop stuff and that's why I am here to learn, contribute and have fun with this community !!
int[] numbers = {78, 65, 77, 65, 83, 84, 72, 69};
for (int i : numbers) {
String str = Character.toString((char) i);
Hi I'm Karmen. <3 I'm here because I finish school soon and I'm looking to connect with and learn from other devs. :)
Hi I am Abhay
I am just a Programmer
Hi, I'm Arif Cahya Prananda, I live here in Indonesia. Greetings to All Open Source Friends.
hi everybody I'm new here, web developer full stack...I'm learning python right now. I'm from senegal in west africa. if you want to collaborate on a project I'm up for it.
Hello, I'm Joel. I'm a website developer, interested in learning more about programming languages and their applications in the development of websites.
I'm also an artist
Hi DEVTO community, I am thrilled to be here with you! I am Souhaiel Riahi a full stack developer and I am always looking to learn new technologies and best practices!
Hello , I'm sk samim from India ..
Hello, World!, from New Delhi, India. How are you guys doing?
Hello Fellow Devs,
I'm Rutvik, just another junior dev joining the party. I am currently learning about Quantum Computing. Kudos! to the dev community for creating and maintaining the virtual world.😁
Hello *Dev*elopers, I am Shubham and have knowledge of Machine Learning as well as Web dev knowledge, happy to help and collaborate with anyone.
Hii,Iam Ravi Kumar.Iam 2nd year engineering student from information technology branch.i am passionate about coding and cyber security stuffs .I live in India 😊
Hey fellow developers.
Hi, I am a data engineer and a machine learning enthusiast. I am trying to find a project where i could get a chance to learn concepts of machine learning. I am an aspiring entrepreneur also .
Hi everyone,
My name is Inyang Amos Inyang.
I am newbie in web development.
I am here to learn and to become a better web developer in the nearest future
I am budding full stack developer. Trying to do projects and improve my logical coding skills.
Hi, I'm Ayan. I'm a game of cricket, filled with uncertainty. I live here in Kolkata, India.
Hey, I'm Erick! I'm very passionate about software development, and have lots of experience with Python🐍 and now I'm currently learning Rust🦀!
hello from indonesia, i'm darren. i'm a high school student. i'm interested in coding and i'm here to learn new things, i can speak bahasa and english as well.
nice to meet u guys :D
Hi there
Hey all ! , I am Darshan from Ahmedabad, India. Interested fields are Machine learning, Deep learning, Javascript
Hi, I'm Abhay, I am 12 years old and I like iOS development along with python automation I live in India, Karnataka
Hey y'all! I'm an intern in the US. Right now, I'm mainly learning C++, with a little bit of C. Excited to be here!
Hi 👋,my name is Godwin Daniel ,I am a newbie developer, currently learning javascript basics, and trying to build something with what I have learnt so far.
Namaste ,my name is Ritesh from India. I'm a student of computer science and also startup business as Full stack web developer.
Hola Mundo!
This is Francisco, from Zapopan Mexico.
Is this the thread where you can get coffee and donuts?
hello, I like bits and sound.
Hello everyone! This is Keerthana H K, a CSE student. I'm an enthusiast in learning and exploring new stuffs. Interested domains are: Full Stack development, Machine Learning and Cloud.
Hi, I'm Sunil Chaudhary. I'm a BCA last year student. I love web development & wanna be a full stack web developer. I love to try out & learn new things related to web.
Hello from India!!
Hello, im Felipe from Medellín, happy to join the community.
Hi, i'm Marco Ilardi an italian software developer working for my company Micropedia that i founded in 2015.
Nice to be here in this fantastic dev social world
Happy to be a part on this platform, Lets Blog
Hi, I'm Ali Muhammad Programmer/Web Developer from Pakistan, currently working on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. I love to learn new things and technologies.
Hi, I am Greshma Shaji, final year Computer Science engineering Student. Happy to be part of this community.
Hey ! I am Riddhi Suteri, an enthusiast learner
Better late than never. Hello I'm Isaac from Zambia, I love computer programming and want to learn the best practices.
Nice meeting you guys
Greeting Everyone. I am a full stack developer. I am problem solver. I love DS & Algo and JS.
Hii I am Viraldevpb and I am a 19-year-old Programmer, Problem Solver, Web Developer, and Blogger
Hi I'm Taiwo, I'm here to learn
How to get free dev swags?😌
Just visit the website dev swags you will get which organisation are providing swags right now.
Hey, I'm Khushi Srivastav, from India.
Hey! Newbie here
Hey, this is Nihit Saha.
Reached here coz I completed my first 4 PR's of my life.
Hope the PR's get merged in the repositories.
Hi Everyone
I am Mohammad Sharique a software developer and learner.
Hello, it's omar I'm an Egyptian programmer interested in backend dev mainly i'm using python and flask & Django & have been working with odoo for 2 years now
Hey, Pallavi here, presently I am learning and loving Programming. I am a newbie actually, looking forward to learn a lot of stuffs from you all. :)!
Hi ,,
I am navid mansuri.
i am a student
Hi Folks,
I'm Murli I'm a DevOps Engineer my reason to land here is I want to learn and explore DevOps culture with automation tools like Terraform, Kubernetes, and Ansible, etc.
Hey there,
Myself Shivam Kumar Vishwakarma (samsberk) from UP, India. I like coding things and work on different type of web projects.
Hello, Someone from India here. I just graduated from IIT Kanpur. Currently waiting for my joining.
Hi I'm Adena. I am a Computer Science Engineering student.
Hello World!
Hi , I'm Jagrit from India, I've a passion for learning new technologies and science. I've basic knowledge of HTML, CSS , C++ and Python along with basic computer concepts.
Hello, I am Nishma, I am quite a beginner in the Hacktoberfest, if someone could give me more information on what and when we are supposed to do something. A team member?
Hello All!
Hi I am RB, currently a Lumen Dev used to be data engineer and BI dev. I am ex .NET stack.
Hi am arptiw. Am a data muncher. Hoping to build an AAA game that takes everyone by the storm.
Hi all, I was looking a place where I can follow good tech contents by tags. Here I am. Cheers! 🖖🏻