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Top comments (257)
Hi, I´m Bokomoko. I´m a carbon-based lifeform, fueled by carbohydrates and challenges. I like to learn and to teach, especially things that I don´t know (teaching included). Manguetown is where I live here in Brazil.
Great intro, hopefully, we work together on an open-source project using VUE!
Unique intro, love it😍
I'm a data scientist/deep learning researcher. I'm primarily interested in applying deep learning to problems and producing actionable insights. In particular, I'm interested health, climate, and agriculture. I also am the maintainer of several open source projects.
Can I join with one of these projects with member
Sure. As I I wrote in another post we are currently looking for more contributors for Flow-Forecast which is an open source deep learning for time series framework. Currently flow-forecast is serving as the backend of two other important projects as well:
COVID-19 Forecasting at CoronaWhy where we are developing county level forecasting models to give highly granular information to epidemiologists and public health officials.
Flash and river flow flood prediction which is meant to predict river flows, flash floods, and droughts across the U.S. and how they will change under the domain shift of climate change.
Hey Isaac! Have you worked on any data-related problems surrounding racial justice in the US? I'm currently researching companies that facilitate connections between data scientists and social action organizations, so just wondering based on your interests.
No I haven't worked too much in that area. I've primarily been focused on healthcare (forecasting ICU length of stay, COVID forecasts, a bit with drug discovery) and climate (river/flash flood forecast, extreme weather prediction). But there are definitely groups that do that sort of stuff.
I'm a frontend freak. I'm still a student eager to learn much skills to showcase
Several Hacktoberfest open source projects...? :P
Can I join with one of these projects with member..??
Hello from Curitiba 👋
Hello from Dourados - MS
Greetings everyone. Recently finding myself pivoting in my career due to COVID, currently in a 'pseudo-bootcamp' hosted by my local community. We recently had a guest speaker and mentioned this site and the opportunity to learn and network with like minded individuals in the tech space. Happy to be here and looking forward to being part of a great community!
That's so great you have a local community already! What does the bootcamp look like? What are you learning? :)
Its a front-end dev boot camp, so we're learning JS, CSS and HTMlL. The reason why I said pseudo is because it follows a boot camp curriculum (LaunchCode), but its taken at a much slower pace to help ensure understanding.
Ahhh gotcha! That sounds really good though to have that support and also taking it at a slower pace. The full-on bootcamp experience is good but also can leave holes in knowledge, so it's great you can just absorb everything at whatever pace is right.
This is good to hear! Enjoy the career and the community! I am new around here too :P
Dear Lance,
I try to find a contact (email?) to you. It is hard to reach you. I couldn't find contact infos on your GitHub account.
It is about the "Back In Time" project at GitHub. I'm one of the new maintainers there.
Please reply to c.buhtz@posteo.jp
I'm Adam. A deep learning engineer and general software hacker. I have been building software since I was a kid, recently I have been on a kick building Machine Learning for Creators.
I am the technical founder of popgun.ai (Techstars 2017) and am looking for my next business. Popgun is VC backed, and I think with this next project I wanna try bootstrapping it.
I am currently building a deep learning-based photography suite. Early days yet, but it's fun.
Amazing! Deep learning based photography suite sounds fun!
Hi, I'm
Daniel Philip Johnson
Hey Daniel
It's awesome that you're an actual psychologist. I'm kind of the inverse profile. Graduated from Comp Sci but find psychology and neuroscience to be fascinating subjects.
Welcome to DEV!
That's amazing Juan! I studied neuroscience I focused on perceptual priming and detecting lies and deceits in the brain.
I'm hoping to merge them psychology and programming together.
Ohhh pretty interesting stuff!
With your new knowledge of programming, you can be much closer to uncovering the "source code" of the brain 😛
I believe it is spaghetti code at best and has way too many dependencies 😅. The brain was rushed 🤔
Hey Daniel, I'm following the same path than yours :)
Good luck with that !
Hola! Me llamo Gilbert I was born and raised in Puerto Rico (soy Boricua "Pa' Que Tu lo sepas!") that lives in Texas. I am fully bilingual, English, español, or Spanglish. I enjoy talking about ba$h and other scripting languages, macOS, cooking, and traveling. For my hobbies, I like playing video games, doing macrame, and long walks on the beach.
Hoooola Gilbert, Spanglish is the way to go hahaha
Welcome to DEV!
Yes, asi mismo es!
Hey I'm Ash.
I finally had the balls to quit my job and invest full time in my programming career. I'm a newbie in Web Development. Aspiring Data scientist.
I strongly believe de Dev community is the best out there - And of course, I'm a nerd for productivity.
Les Petits Plaisirs de la vie.
Infinitely curious.
Hi! I'm Ricardo! I'm a "full-stack" engineer--this means I know a bit of python and a bit of frontend development and like to be more generalized in the stack. I'm from Brazil and currently living in NY.
Focusing currently on learning golang and tune-up my skills with react and other fancy frontend frameworks. I also want to adventure in tech writing and mentoring, so hmu if you need help with Django, React, databases, CS... or for a (virtual these days) coffee. Happy to be part of the community!
Hi I'm Burger,
I'm a software engineering student, I do frontend development. I am also a digital marketer, I love to teach newbies web development because I tend to learn more from teaching. I love to kick off Coding daily with Ariana Grande songs or 6LACK. I don't take coffee and I'm conversation friendly.
I live in Nigeria. I look forward to meeting great developers here and also get my first job as a Web Development Tutor.
Happy Coding 👩💻👩💻
Ya welcome. Big head. Lol
Thank you Coconut head
Heyooo, I'm Holden, and I'm a trained opera singer and trans activist turned programmer. I recently finished a 3-month bootcamp focusing on the MERN Stack, and now I'm excited to absorb everything that comes in a 2 meter (but not less because COVID, y'all) radius.
I'm interested in contributing to open source projects and making the web a bit more accessible.
nice, i am currently preparing an article about accessibility, plan to publish next week.
little hint, it is about using the
module oraxe-cli
.stay tuned, i think dev will be a good place for you.
Oh very nice, looking forward to your article!
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