Prime I would actually like to see a side-by-side performance analysis of people who use vim vs intellij or something. Like an actual experiment. take a control group of devs who just started using intellij vs vim, measure the learning curve, and 2 months in final measure to see which one is better.
I've been a professional C, Perl, PHP and Python developer.
I'm an ex-sysadmin from the late 20th century.
These days I do more Javascript and CSS and whatnot, and promote UX and accessibility.
Top comments (19)
Prime I would actually like to see a side-by-side performance analysis of people who use vim vs intellij or something. Like an actual experiment. take a control group of devs who just started using intellij vs vim, measure the learning curve, and 2 months in final measure to see which one is better., but for code editors.
vim is always right ...
Can confirm. I may not be a scientist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn once.
I used emacs for years. Challenged by a co-worker, he switched from vim to emacs, and I switched from emacs to vim for several weeks.
At the end of the challenge, he immediately went back to vim, and I never went back to emacs.
I use a hammer and chizzle on a stone tablet. Everyone else is ridiculous.
vim....ual Studio Code.
Where is the nano option?
Get back to the evil beard universe.
Hey Michael,
I appreciate your article.
Thank You for writing.
New to typing ... you like bold?
Contributor to java here.
yeah, this is true