Hi everyone,
I had an issue while I was looking for a way to use storybook storyshots.
Can someone take a look?
More details on the GitHub issue: https://github.com/hugos29dev/the-Project-Alpha/issues/31
Adding @storybook/addon-storyshots to the project
I wanted to add Structural Testing to my project using storybook and @storybook/addon-storyshots.
I had tried to install it, however, it didn't work...
Can someone take a look at it or give me some advice ?
Bye, Hugo
The Project Alpha@thepr0jectalpha
Hi everyone,
I had an issue while installing @storybookjs and the addon storyshots with my NextJS @typescript app.
Can someone take a look at it ?
github.com/hugos29dev/the…19:36 PM - 22 Oct 2019
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