Our World is full of coding. In fact, the website that you are viewing this blog is made of Code!
Technology is full of code!
But, People have asked me: What if I know whether I will be a successful programmer?
Well, this is my response to that:
Here are 9 Signs you Are a Successful Programmer:
Sign 1. Your Mind Is Naturally Drawn to Coding
You have an 'unscheduled' curiosity. You can't stop thinking about your code, even when you are doing something else. This is a good sign. The insatiable curiosity you have is like a strong current carrying you down the river, faster and faster. When you are going through tough learning patches, there's nothing like natural curiosity to carry you through.
When you’re driving your car, sitting at your desk at work, lying on your bed, or walking down the road, all you can think of is how to solve that coding problem. You can’t wait to get back in front of your computer to see if the solution you are thinking of works. You can’t wait to Google for a solution to find out why your code is not behaving the way it should. Maybe your page is ugly and you need to make it look prettier. Whatever it is, you can’t wait to get in front of that keyboard again.
Sign 2. You Spend All Your Spare Time Coding
It's not enough to just be curious. You have to prioritize time for coding. A lot of people learn to code while still working a full-time job. If beginners spend that time coding, this is another good sign. It shows that you understand that coding is important enough for the sacrifice of your time.
You prefer to spend time coding than to go to that party on the weekend because you know, besides the time wasted at the party, the next day you will be wrecked.
Sign 3. You Watch Tutorials At Unusual Times
If you can't have sound on, you read an article. You watch or read in the doctor's waiting room, on the bus or train, and in bed. You understand that tutorials are the only way to learn the theory.
Sign 4. You Build And Deploy
You don't get stuck in tutorial confusion. You build stuff, then deploy what you've built. In the real world, people don't pay you for doing tutorials, they want their website on the internet, without bugs. You find free hosting and deploy your website to the internet. You make websites for your friends and family. You get their feedback, and you build a portfolio of projects.
You make stuff for the real world
Sign 5. You Have a Roadmap and Stick to It (Mostly)
You don't learn a language without knowing how you're going to use it, or if you will be able to get a job after learning it. For instance, why learn Javascript if you don't want to build a web page? You have a use for what you're learning.
If you get bored with only one thing, you make many small mini-maps. You know that no one will employ you if you can only do ten random unconnected tricks with your code. You learn to balance fun and useful learning by having fun with the things that relate to your map.
Sign 6. You Google The Confusion Out of Error Messages
Error messages are your constantly present private instructor. Day or night he is there, not allowing you to set a foot wrong. If you're tired of his lessons, then you have to Google the confusion out of his messages.
You can scream and swear at him, he doesn't mind. He'll always be there for you. Don't ask him where to find the solution though. He's just there to tell you exactly what's wrong. 500 lines of red text customized just for you, of course. It's the only way to see less of him.
I would recommend Stack OverFlow. It is a community for programmers. You can ask various programmers about any questions you have or any error that you have to debug.
Sign 7. You Keep Notes And Code Snippets
OneNote snippets can be turned into personal tutorials. Serious coders have stacks of well-labeled notes that are easy to search. Notes are personalized tutorials for your future self.
You just search your snippets and presto, your day is made.
Sign 8. You Dream About Coding
Every coder dreams about coding. It's a strange experience. Coders dream of things like error messages, solving that slow page load, and structuring their database just right.
Coders are known to wake up suddenly in the middle of the night to start coding because they dreamt of how to solve a problem.
This shows your mind is completely engrossed in your learning.
Sign 9. You Always Come Back to Coding
Life can take its toll on people who give up when things are too difficult. Life events, such as illness, personal tragedy, or change of jobs, can disrupt our lives.
The coding bug is biting again, and so each time you give up, you return again. Deep down, you know you will see this through to the end, you just have to scratch the itch. The code starts to drift through your mind, like a gentle breeze tempting you to sail again to the unknown shore.
Final Thoughts
If you are going through the pain of learning to code, don't despair. One day when you look back, you will realize that these signs were real indicators of success. Having a roadmap helped you to get where you were going because you didn't have to learn random and unnecessary stuff.
That's All for this Blog. Hope you enjoyed it and Stay Tuned for Latest Blogs about our best friend-Coding! 👨🏻💻
Do Check out this post on my Medium Blog: https://code2rithik.medium.com/9-signs-you-will-be-a-successful-programmer-rithik-ac61f43e4a22
Top comments (2)
Great article 👍🏾. Everything you said is spot on. I always kept coming back. I did help desk for ten years before/while learning to code. I found myself in the tutorial loop for a while. Or when I finally felt like I was ready to start, my mind would go blank and I wouldn't know where to begin. But I kept coming back because I initially wanted to develop android apps. This was back in 2011. Before there was an app for everything ten times over lol.
I tried so many books, but they all assumed I had a base level of knowledge that I just didn't posses at the time. I tried so many languages. Java was the one that made programming make sense to me even though everyone said python was more beginner friendly... Anyway, I fell in love with java and didn't want to do any XML,css,J's etc. That hurt me figure a looooong time. I didn't know what I didn't know. I wanted to be able to do everything with one language. It doesn't work that way. Then I found Go☺️😁😊. I could be biased because I'm a complete Google fanboy, but I love go.
Thank You🎉🎉
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