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I made an Avatar Website that insults you 🤯

Insult Your Friends

Funnily insulting your friend will always makes you laugh that's human nature. Imagine a avatar like robot insulting your friend, don't you laugh at him/her and have fun. That's what the InsultAvatar is all about.

With Simple HTML for the structure and little styling with CSS and importantly pure vanilla JavaScript i could able to make this site.


How it Started :

Well with simple API, plus your imagination the sky is your limit. While I was developing a login and signup page for another project, I was wondering how I can make user to feel unique, I don't want to use empty user icon 👤 for the avatars. So with little search in google I came across the dicebear a free open source avatar library for developers and designers.


How it works ?

As Simple it is, just enter your name with particular seed it fetches the dicebear library for the avatar and then while clicking on insult it now fetches a GitHub hosted json api and randomize the selection from it.

Note: You could only insult a person once in a day. With the help of local Storage I could accomplish this.

Don't forget to check it out.

Top comments (4)

jgraffin profile image
Julio Graffin

Very cool! I tested a lot with my friends LOL

oricohen profile image

Looks good! Great work.

grigorkh profile image
Grigor Khachatryan


therobinhood profile image

Thanks mate, Actually I added another API to detect the gender with the name. So it depends on some name. 😉