So it's been a while since I've posted on, but I'm back.
I've since left my job as a full time FORTRAN programmer, became a Technical Marketing Manager in the Raspberry Pi community for ModMyPi, learnt lots about Python and working collaboratively online, got made redundant when my company got bought, and now I'm back as a full time developer rolling around in C++ backend code for a brilliant company called Imagen.
I posted a tweet thread today about my experiences as a developer coming back into the field and the interview process. I kind of feel like this might make good posting material. What do you think? Let me know.
A thread about coding and being a programmer...
4 months ago I was made redundant from my job as a Technical Marketing Manager. The majority of my job was creating content, with a little bit of programming to build libraries and scripts.17:01 PM - 01 Oct 2019
It's lovely to be back. :D
Top comments (2)
Welcome back 😄
I don't think I'd be alone in my interest around that topic. Lots to think about from both a technical and a human perspective, you seem uniquely positioned to tackle both!