TypeScript is such a cool language, and learning to use the more advanced features of it can be a real benefit to your code base.
I'd like to talk about one specific item: dealing with non-nullabe types.
Often times in our code we do something like the following:
This function should only run on actual users, but if user objects can possibly be null we guard our functionality by writing a null check around our code.
What we would like is the following:
And we can have this with TypeScript. There's a couple of ways to go about it:
Method 1:
The first is to just make your entire code base require you to explicitly declare nulls. You can do that with the - strictNullChecks flag which ensures that all variables are non-nullable unless you explicitly declare them as such. For example:
The above code would throw an error with the strict null check. You're creating a user, and initializing it to null, but not declaring it as a nullable type. In order to do that, and make it possibly be nullable, use the union operator like so:
This won't throw a TypeScript error. this user object can now either be a User or a null.
This way, you never have to write the null check unless the function can operate on both real objects AND nulls.
Method 2:
Now maybe making the entire code base explicit is too much. In that case, you can instead mark specific identifiers as non-nullable using the NonNullable generic type. For example, the above function can be re-written like this:
TypeScript will then give you errors if you ever try to call this function with an object that could possibly be a null. VERY easy and simple.
Now of the two methods, I personally prefer the first one. Yes, it seems like it's more restrictive, but in my experience, most variables will never need to contain a null value for most of the execution. So it's easier to just explicitly mark the few places where you can either have an actual value or a null.
Utilize these tips, brought to you by the Angular Denver conference to make your TypeScript code a bit more manageable.
Happy coding!
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