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Thivyaa Mohan
Thivyaa Mohan

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Physical Symbol System Hypothesis


Today I came across 'Physical Symbol System Hypothesis'.

This means that symbols becomes a huge part on how we interact with the world.

If you see a stop sign you know you need to stop in the traffic , when you see the letter A, you know that the word would make a certain sound.

According to the hypothesis, if the program connects to these symbols then it becomes intelligent.

So, Philosopher John explained that sometimes the system can seem intelligent but they are not necessarily intelligent , they are just matching the patterns.

For example, you can try asking Siri , how do they feel like , they may say that they are fine but that doesn't mean that they are really feeling fine, they also don't know what you are asking. They are just matching the questions with pre-programmed response.

So Johan Searle argued that just matching questions is not true art of intelligence. They don't understand the meaning , they are just matching the patterns.

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