DEV Community

What are your favorite web development blogs?

Thomas Lombart on April 29, 2020

I love reading posts on modern web development and I'm always looking out for new content. Some of my favorites are: Josh W Comeau: Gatsby, Reac...
darthbob88 profile image
Raymond Price

I don't really follow any blogs; it's mostly RSS and email newsletters to keep up to date. I'll still list them all off here, on the off-chance that something is useful to somebody and also so I can prune the ones that don't spark joy.


  • Better Dev Link "Weekly links to help you become a better developer" They're not wrong.
  • Daily Dev Links What it says on the tin. Biased towards frontend and UX development.
  • Hacker Newsletter Curated articles from Hacker News, on a weekly basis.
  • Javascript Kicks "Get the best weekly JavaScript articles hand-picked by experienced developers" Very good and broad; includes items specifically about React, Vue, Typescript, NodeJS, and functional programming in JS, among others.
  • Programming is Terrible Actual good philosophy about programming, but definitely one for an RSS feed since they post like twice a year.

The rest of the list

  • Codrops Cool demos of stuff you can do in UI.
  • CSS Weekly "weekly e-mail roundup of css articles, tutorials, experiments and tools curated by Zoran Jambor"
  • Frontend Focus "A once–weekly roundup of the best front-end news, articles and tutorials. HTML, CSS, WebGL, Canvas, browser tech, and more."
  • Frontend Weekly "The best articles, links and news related to Frontend Development delivered once a week to your inbox." Short, but fairly good.
  • Hacker Bits Curated articles from Hacker News, on a roughly-monthly basis.
  • Javascript Weekly "A free, once–weekly email roundup of JavaScript news and articles." Covers new libraries, events, jobs, and tutorials.
  • Morning Cup of Coding "Morning Cup of Coding is a daily programming newsletter featuring long form technical articles of all fields of software engineering." One caveat- They mean all fields; the most recent one in my inbox has articles about C++, Idris, and AI.
  • Mozilla Dev Newsletter A newsletter about cool things from Mozilla.
  • Programming Digest "Programming Digest is a weekly newsletter with the five most interesting stories in programming 👩‍💻, data 💾, and technology 📱." Leans more to "That's interesting" and "TIL" than technically useful.
  • Programming Praxis Weekly problems to practice programming on. Not bad, but I get enough problem solving in work.
  • React Status "A weekly roundup of the latest React and React Native links and tutorials."
  • ReactJS Newsletter Another newsletter; articles, tutorials, "here's my cool project", and videos.
  • Status Code Weekly "A weekly newsletter covering software development, Web operations, infrastructure, platforms, and performance, from browser down to the metal."
  • The Codeless Code Zen-style koans and fables about software development. Hasn't posted since Obama was in office, but I like it so it's staying in my RSS feed.
  • The Daily WTF Stories about software development going wrong, "your how-not-to guide for developing software".
  • The Old New Thing Microsoft engineer Raymond Chen blogs about C++, Microsoft stuff, and occasionally the Seattle Symphony season.
  • The Overflow A newsletter from Stack Overflow, covering their own blog, interesting questions from Stack Exchange, and outside articles.
  • TLDR Newsletter "TLDR is a daily newsletter with links and TLDRs of the most interesting stories in tech 📱, science 🚀, and coding 💻!" Leans more towards WIRED WRT tech news.
  • Web Design Weekly What it says on the tin. Includes tools, articles, non-technical stories, and occasional job listings.
vishnubaliga profile image
Vishnu Baliga

CSS-Tricks has always been my favourite and have been going strong for over a decade and has a plethora of articles providing insights, tutorials, and updates pertaining to web design and development. It is built and run by website Guru Chris Coyier

Also have to mention Smashing Magazine, GitHub Blog , Sitepoint which are some of my personal favourite.

I've written a blog on Top 10 Web Design and Development Blogs to Follow in 2020 hope it helps.

thomaslombart profile image
Thomas Lombart

I think every developer working in the browser at least has CSS Tricks in his favorites :)
Thanks for sharing your post!

dog_smile_factory profile image
Dog Smile Factory
waylonwalker profile image
Waylon Walker

Kicking it off with the A's

thomaslombart profile image
Thomas Lombart

Amelia Wattenberger's blog is incredible, particularly her post on the CSS Cascade!

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Reece Burrows

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bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

I really like the website

qibtiasadia_dmt_47866547b profile image
Qibtiasadia dmt

I also enjoy reading modern web development blogs. Some of my favorites are:

Smashing Magazine: Comprehensive articles on various web development topics.
CSS-Tricks: Great for CSS and front-end techniques. A community-driven platform with diverse insights.
Wes Bos: Excellent tutorials on JavaScript and modern web development.
LogRocket Blog: In-depth articles on front-end performance and debugging.
Always looking for new recommendations!


experts_webdesigns_06080 profile image
Experts Web Designs

What are your favorite web design chicagoblogs?" on DEV Community highlights several notable blogs:

Josh W Comeau: Focuses on Gatsby, React, and CSS.

Overreacted: Dan Abramov's blog offering insights into React.

Kent C. Dodds: Specializes in React and testing.

Ahmad Shadeed: Provides valuable content on CSS.

Thomlom: A personal blog on front-end development.

For businesses seeking professional assistance in web design and development, Experts web design chicago offers tailored solutions to meet your specific needs.

gulfwebsitehub_569c8c73ed profile image

Some of my favorite web development blogs include Smashing Magazine, CSS-Tricks, and A List Apart, as they provide valuable insights and resources. Staying updated with the latest trends and best practices is essential for any developer!

If you're looking for a reliable web development agency, check out Gulf Website Hub for custom, responsive websites.

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mercurysoftech profile image
Mercury Softech

Every developer who works with browsers, in my opinion, has at least a few CSS tricks in his toolbox.
I embrace you sharing your post.

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prasad vella

Reading your blog always leaves me inspired and motivated to improve my website develop efforts. Your passion for the subject shines through in your writing. Thank you for continuously providing top-notch content!"
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atlaswebau profile image
Atlas Web Development

I recommend Atlas Web, They don't have a blog, but do make blog websites for other people. They have made website design blogs before.

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Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful and balanced view on this topic. It’s a pleasure to read work like yours.
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ireeceburrows profile image
Reece Burrows
sadman profile image

Finding quality blogs for web design and development is so important for staying updated and inspired.