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Mattia Penna
Mattia Penna

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What would you put in your porfolio to get a first job as Junior developer?

Hello there, hope this post find you well!
I would love to hear your valuable opinon abut what should I have in my portfolio to be able to get a job as junior dev. I've started coding only recently and I feel a bit confused when choosing on wich tecnology to focus on.. Thanks in advance for your advice, I apreciate your help.

Happy weekend,

Top comments (1)

joellau profile image
Joel Lau

Hi Mattia,

What you have in your portfolio and what technology you choose to focus on should largely depend on what role you are looking to fill. These things (along w your resume and interviews) only serve to prove to a potential employer that you are capable of performing the job.

One strategy I'd highly recommend that you take some time (no more than half a day) reading up on jobs/roles that you might be interested in. After you have SOME idea, look into how you might build something that proves your ability!

Another (perhaps more enjoyable) strategy is to simply build something that makes your life easier, with any technology of your choice.

Hope this gives you an idea of where to start. Good luck!