I started my Twitter recently (no kidding, I always joined social network very late), the problems I found for Twitter (as a main blog/content system) are:
- Content Limit to 250 Characters, which it means you have to cut your own content, and sometimes, I really want to write something longer, like 250 words instead of 250 characters.
- No edit after post, as a non-English speaker, it was quite easy for me to make some language mistake, a feature to edit the post is a real top feature request for me.
Dev.to vs Medium
This is why I started to write on dev.to and medium. Recently I started to compare these two platforms, these are what I found so far.
Comparison Table
Question | Result | Note |
Which Platform's users like more tech stuff? | Medium | This is very surprising, I assumed Architecture related post would be more popular on dev.to, but actually the one about culture and feedback was more popular on dev.to, the post about architecture was more popular on medium. On Medium, the post for hexagonal architecture has 1k read, on Dev.to it got 250. |
Which is easier to gain followers, and interactions from audience? | dev.to | Through these two articles, about new 50 followers on Dev.to, while 16 new followers on Medium |
Which is easier to get (re-)tweeted? | dev.to | Dev.to really tweet articles on Twitter, I got 2 or 3 articles were tweeted by dev.to community twitter account. |
Both dev.to and Medium are great content maker platform, dev.to is more a community, therefore, they will tweet your post, and users like to follow each other. On the other side, Medium is more a blog platform, they have more users as well, hence, more technical posts are easier to be seen.
Is this result accurate?
No, it is not, because the data is so small. 😁
- This result was gained from 2 posts only.
- The traffic for the posts were small.
Then why you post it?
- Just for fun. 😎
- Tried to summarize things at a stage in case forgetting in the future
Some other interesting topics?
- Which platform UI is better for Reader? Or which platform UI is better for tech writer?
These are the two posts I made on dev.to and medium.

Top comments (3)
Thanks for sharing such feedback. I was wondering too.
I also started using dev.to for the reasons your raised. I prefer using dev.to it's more convenient and the community is more active.
I know you mentioned that the sample size is very small, but nonetheless this is very helpful. I want to start a new challenge of writing technical articles and making the choice of which platform to start with really occupied my mind. I will follow your approach of writing to both platform and observe the result myself.
What is your opinion now?