DEV Community

Timilehin Olabisi
Timilehin Olabisi

Posted on

Error : Loading Vagrant Up

$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'db01' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'mc01' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'rmq01' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'app01' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
Bringing machine 'web01' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> db01: Box 'eurolinux-vagrant/centos-stream-9' could not be found. Attempting to find and install...
db01: Box Provider: virtualbox
db01: Box Version: 9.0.43
The box 'eurolinux-vagrant/centos-stream-9' could not be found or
could not be accessed in the remote catalog. If this is a private
box on HashiCorp's Vagrant Cloud, please verify you're logged in via
vagrant login. Also, please double-check the name. The expanded
URL and error message are shown below:

URL: [""]
Error: schannel: next InitializeSecurityContext failed: Unknown error (0x80092012) - The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate.

Top comments (2)

timisdev profile image
Timilehin Olabisi • Edited

Fixed!! Anti-virus is a the main cause of the error, giving it no room to access the centos link for importing.

timisdev profile image
Timilehin Olabisi

Please anyone has an idea to the solution to fix this error?