DEV Community

Nguyễn Minh Quân
Nguyễn Minh Quân

Posted on

Thinking of returning to web coding/coding in general

I've tried my hand at coding for 3 years in a Vocational school and self taught myself on how to make a website using pure html css and JS before, went into a pay-by-experience internship that helped me learn some libraries and frameworks(bootstrap and react/vue.js)

After having burnouts, and the fact that I didn't get much recognition for how many hours I've put into this career, I decided to quit, having all my muscle memory wasted away

Few months later I decided to get an internship job, lo and behold it's web design again, but at that point my muscle memory is already gone so I opt to use Wordpress to support me in making a website for this start up company, and because I was just a newbie and my boss didn't know how much effort is put into paying someone who made/manage your website for 3 months, I got payed really poorly, so I decided to opt out of this job aswell

So far in my life this career that I picked has taken a lot from me, but given little in return, but recently I realized that coding and web creation/management is the only thing I know how to do with any degree of competency

So recently I am thinking of returning to coding to try my luck at it again, specifically web design/management, I've already know how to make a website in wordpress, have a good plugin base that makes it extremely easy to make a website and manage it, but other than that my coding skills are back to square one

Is there any resources you guys can spare to help me return to form with coding, any is helpful.

Top comments (4)

alanmbarr profile image
Alan Barr

That's tough. Ikigai is an idea about what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and can you get paid? For example, I test software because I work for a business that changes and requires backend needs. As I have time, I try to teach, present, and learn about my skills while not getting burnt out and finding other hobbies.

Maybe you can find the roadmap that's works for you?

Good luck!

tiredquan profile image
Nguyễn Minh Quân

for Ikigai, I'm honestly fine or even passionate about a lot of things
back when I just got into web design, most of my classmates just scoff off the classes whilst I spend both my school time and off time on learning it, and i'm completely fine with that, what it didn't help me at the time was how I was just one person being passionate about this career path, maybe it's because I didn't try to reach out to devs online, but most of the people around me at the time, even classmates, didn't seem interested at all in this career as I am
so naturally that lead to burnout
this time I'll be more active with the coding community

for the roadmap, I am thinking of doing something niche, I watched this video
mostly it talks about how going into a niche can help you land a job better, though for employment purposes I think I'll go with react and next..js, see how that helps me, I do see a lot of demand for a react dev in job sites

stungnet profile image

I hear good things about the Odin Project

Maybe start there goodluck!

tiredquan profile image
Nguyễn Minh Quân

Thank you for the suggestion, I'll look into it!