DEV Community

Toni-Jan Keith Monserrat
Toni-Jan Keith Monserrat

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Journey to create my own website

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This is going to be my journey in creating a performant website that is deployed on Cloud Run, with both frontend and backend running on it.

I will just write here my thoughts on how I built in and the commits I did.

Some posts will be short, some posts will be long. I will appreciate the feedback that I will get and will take them into account while building the site.

My focus is on using Fastify with OpenAPI 3.1 specs as a way to train myself to focus on design first on API. Then I'll be using Lit Element and Webpack to compile the frontend.

As for the current main plan of the system, I plan on doing these:

  • add an issue and merge request templating system
  • configure the project settings to force me to do some good practices I have learned
  • add a CI/CD with static code analysis using SonarCloud
  • creating both the frontend and backend on in parallel

For now, my current thoughts and concerns are:

  • I am looking at best practices though on saving credentials for CI/CD without too much payment costs needed. This is to access secrets from Google Secret Manager to get .env variables or deploy to Cloud Run.

I'll do my research first, and then put into writing what I know.

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