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Omojola Tomiloba David
Omojola Tomiloba David

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Understanding the Difference Between Bugs, Errors, Defects and Failures in Software Testing

In the world of software development and testing, there are different terms used to describe problems encountered during the development phase. Understanding the differences between these terms is critical to effective communication and problem solving.
In this blog post, we'll explore the differences between bugs, defects, errors, and failures in software testing.


Errors, also called mistakes, are human actions or incorrect assumptions. done during software development. They can occur at any stage from data collection to coding and testing. Errors can be caused by misunderstanding the requirements, coding errors or program logic errors. These mistakes can cause software defects or bugs.
For example, a programmer or a software developer may use a variable name or function name incorrectly.This will result in a syntax error


Bugs are errors or omissions in software code that cause it to behave unexpectedly or incorrectly.
In simple terms, we can say that a bug is a deviation between the expected results and the actual results of an application.
When a programmer writes code that contains errors, those errors show up as bugs when the software is run. Bugs are usually detected by the testing team during testing


Defects, also known as problems or anomalies, are deviations from the expected behavior or requirements of the software. These indicate problems or bugs in the software that need to be fixed. Defects can be caused by coding errors, design errors, or misunderstanding the requirements. Defects are usually discovered during software testing, but users can also report them after the software is released.


Failures occur when the software experiences errors during execution that cause the program to malfunction or crash . Once a software has been completed and delivered to the user and the customer finds any issue with the software, then such issues are termed as failures


In conclusion, It is possible to classify errors as mistakes made by programmers during the coding process, defects as mistakes discovered during the development phase's unit testing, bugs as mistakes discovered during the testing phase, and failures as mistakes discovered at the end user's end.

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