What is Recursion
In Computer Science, recursion is a method in which a function calls itself. We can use recursion to solve many different problems such as:
- Towers of Hanoi
- Tree Traversals
- DFS(Depth First Search) For Graphs
An analogy that better explains this term is as follows:
"I'll be back in 10 minutes. But If I am not, just read this message again."
Recursion vs. Iteration
- Recursive functions call themselves until a condition (base case) is met.
- iteration uses a looping structure (while, do while, for, foreach) in order to repeat a section of code until a certain condition is met.
Code Examples
This code snippet is an example of a basic for loop. Here, we are iterating or looping through all the numbers until we reach 100.
- If the number is divisible by 3 & 5, we print "FizzBuzz" to the console.
- If the number is only divisible by 3, we print "Fizz" to the console.
- If the number is only divisible by 5, we print "Buzz" to the console.
- Finally, if it is not divisible by any of these numbers, print the number to the console.
This code snippet is an example of using recursion to solve the same problem.
- Our base case or condition is: If the number is greater than 100, stop the function.
- After establishing our base case, now we can start our loop.
- If the number is divisible by 3 & 5, we print "FizzBuzz" to the console.
- If the number is only divisible by 3, we print "Fizz" to the console.
- If the number is only divisible by 5, we print "Buzz" to the console.
- At the end, we call our function within itself and keep incrementing by one.
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