DEV Community

Torrey Thomas
Torrey Thomas

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Day 3: Responsive Design

Today was a pretty simple day as far as coding goes.

I had to find some extra time to code since I am traveling tomorrow and I wanted to be 100% prepared to do so safely during such times.

I still managed to complete two of the Responsive Web Design challenges and intend on completing two more by the end of the night.

I got some good practice today with flex-box and functional nav bars. I might intentionally do some extra practice with flex-box and grid design to ensure that these important styling skills are really solid until I can build a fairly simple front-end in ten minutes or even less than that. Once I can do that, I will feel more comfortable moving forward onto the main course of any new developer, JavaScript.

I am excited to move onto this important skill, but I am forcing myself to have patience and to really focus down on my necessary skills.

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