ShadowGas now supports GST2 Tokens in the new update. Now it can store and transfer CHI, LGT, and GST2 gas tokens.
- Removed unused contracts
- Reduced the size of the ShadowGas contract from 7.50KB to 6.39KB
- Added GST2 Scripts and Tasks (Tank, Refuel, Empty, EmptyTo)
- Updated Contract, added
gstDiscount modifier
,_destroy function
,gst store and transfer functions
- Changed test directory (can test each token separately)
- Added GST2 tests
- Added GST2 configuration to
`RefuelChiAmt` - Mint Chi Amount
`RefuelLgtAmt` - Mint Lgt Amount
`RefuelGstAmt` - Mint Gst Amount
`EmptyChiAmt` - Transfer Chi Amount
`EmptyLgtAmt` - Transfer Lgt Amount
`EmptyGstAmt` - Transfer Gst Amount
`EmptyChiTo` - Address to transfer Chi to
`EmptyLgtTo` - Address to transfer Lgt to
`EmptyGstTo` - Address to transfer Gst to
`GasLimit` - Gas Limit
`GasSpeed` - Gas Speed ("fast", "average", "slow")
`TradeLimit` - The amount of trades to perform
`LgtTradeAmount` - Amount of LGT Tokens to trade
GST2 Kovan & Mainnet
Be sure to use the correct address for GST2!
Default is Kovan
GST2 Examples
npx buidler tank --token Gst
npx buidler refuel --token Gst
npx buidler empty --token Gst
npx buidler emptyTo --token Gst
npx buidler test
Run all tests
npx buidler test ./test/gst-test.js
Test GST2 Tokens
npx buidler test ./test/chi-test.js
Test Chi Tokens
npx buidler test ./test/lgt-test.js
Test Lgt Tokens
All tests should pass, but they do require ether to run
I am now working on v2.0.0, this version will include the UI in order to interact with the contract through the DApp.
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