So I have always been curious of metal prices and how they fluctuate with the market.
A couple weeks ago I came across a cool API that can provide metal prices called Metals-Api. This service has a free plan for up to 50 calls per month, which was perfect for my personal use case of sending myself the prices every morning (looks like it could be a great tool for a paid platform as well). I also use telegram and recently also discovered they have a bot API That you can setup to send yourself messages in a Channel.
So I put the two together and combined it with a small node.js program and a cron job on a Digital Ocean Droplet that runs every morning. Low and Behold, metal prices daily!
See my github repo for more information!
Bot to send metal prices daily to myself
Extremely Simple Telegram Bot to send metal prices daily to myself using NodeJS and Telegram/Metal-API web services.
- Axios >= 0.21.1
- Metals-Api Key -- Free plan allows up to 50 hits per month
- Telegram Bot and Channel
Getting Started
To run simply clone and download code.
Then run the below line to install required packages.
npm i
Place the keys you get and your channel id in a keys.json file like so:
"botID": "bot*Bot API Key Here*"
"chatID": "-100*Channel ID Here*,
"metalAPIKey": "*metal API Key Here*"
node index.js
How do I get my channel ID for Telegram?
Check out this answer on stackoverflow
How do I set this up to send me prices automatically every morning?
I personally just use a cron job on my personal digital ocean droplet and schedule it to run everyday at 7am.
0 7 * * * node /path/to/file/index.js
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