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Using React Hooks to Get Input Value

Hi! Today we will learn how to use react hooks in a simple way in order to get strong basic fundamental in react hooks.

The first thing we need to set up is of course react JS environment which you can refer to their documentation. If all is ready, then we are good to go!

First Step

Lets open up project file then open App.js file, there you can start by importing react and hooks useState so we can use it later. Here is how it looks.

import React, { useState } from 'react'
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Next is creating function called App, here we using functional component so it is aligned because we are going to use react hooks.

function App(){

export default App;
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Don’t forget to import it in the end of our code so it does not produce error.

Second Step

function App(){
const [name, setName] = useState('')
const [password, setPassword] = useState('')
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There we define name, setName. Name is the variable that we can use to display the value it has. Meanwhile setName is the setter method that we can use to change the value of name. useState is to define the initial value of the Name, it can be empty string, empty array, boolean, etc. To get better explanation of react hooks, you can refer to their docs.

Third Step

We need to provide return inside our App component so it will display something to the screen.

function App() {
  const [name, setName] = useState('');
  const [password, setPassword] = useState('');

  return (
      <input placeholder="username" onChange={e => setName(} />
        onChange={e => setPassword(}
      <button onClick={() => handleInput()}>Input</button>
      {name ? <p>Welcome {name}!</p> : ''}
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Looks terrible? yes. Calm down, I’ll explain it.

  • So the first thing is we create a div tag, which will wraps up all other element. There I added some style to the div tag.
  • Next is we define two input tag, a button with some placeholder in it
  • Then we define onChange props inside input tag. Inside onChange props we define anonymous function that has e parameter, so then we can get access to the value inside input tag. (The anonymous function is using arrow function, you can check it through W3School if you’re not familiar yet with it.)
  • Then inside anonymous function, we call the setter method that I already explain before, and we also pass the e parameter inside setter method, so the value of name, password is change every time the value inside input tag is changing.
const handleInput =  () =>{
    console.log(name, password)
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  • There I also add a button with handleInput method just to console.log it to make sure everything is works.
  • Beneath the button, I added ternary operator to show some text if the name variable is filled with something.

Here is the looks of the whole code that we write so far.

import React, { useState } from 'react';

function App() {
  const [name, setName] = useState('');
  const [password, setPassword] = useState('');

  const handleInput =  () =>{
    console.log(name, password)

  return (
      <input placeholder="username" onChange={e => setName(} />
        onChange={e => setPassword(}
      <button onClick={() => handleInput()}>Input</button>
      {name ? <p>Welcome {name}!</p> : ''}
export default App
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Wrap’s up! Those three simple step is enough to use hooks in simple way just to get started and get solid basic understanding about react hooks. Thank you for reading up to this point, see ya!✨

Top comments (1)

mariusflorescu profile image
Marius Florescu • Edited

First of all, there are maybe about 3984923484 articles about this and you've still decided to choose this topic.

From the title 'Using React Hooks to Get Input Value' I understand that you trying to learn new people about input/forms/... (using a controlled components approach).

Since is a generalisation, why wouldn't you place the value={} attribute in the input.

As an example, there are many cases when you want to have the value bind to the input, such as when you fetch some data from an api, and then you want to edit the existing data set.

I would highly suggest you to read more about controlled components (google it, there are also good articles written about controlled vs uncontrolled components).

Also, why do you need a ternary? you could easily use {name && ... } such that you would get rid of the unnecessary : ''.