NomNom the Roomba was born in July 2020. A series 585 Roomba, NomNom never goes anywhere without its external microcontroller and Twilio Super SIM. Its favorite activities are wearing fancy hats and eating confetti.
Compete for glory in an IoT tug-of-war! Direct NomNom the Roomba to vacuum up your team’s confetti first. The winning team goes down in history as NomNom’s Most Favorite CodeLanders.
If you want to learn more about how we built this, check out the GitHub repository of the project.
Top comments (14)
Go blue team! 🟦
Red team represent 🎈
Great work, red team!
This must have been such a fun project!
House work would definitely be more entertaining if it was a battle for dust 😄
Woo blue team!
Nom Nom is my spirit animal
Blue team 💙💙💙
Yeah, Blue team represent. Yeaaaaahhhhh👏🔥
I just want want the permanent record to reflect my participation on the winning team, TEAM BLUE 💙
Great job Blue!
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