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Tyler McGinnis
Tyler McGinnis

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Default Parameters in JavaScript

In this video/post you'll learn how ES6's (ES2015) Default Parameters allow you to set default values for any arguments that are undefined when a function is invoked. You'll also learn how to use Default Parameters to make certain arguments required.



Below we have a function called calculatePayment. This function will take in three arguments: price, salesTax, and a discount. The goal of this function is to take in those three items and return a final price, after taking into consideration the sales tax and any discount. What's interesting about this function is the only argument that is really required is the price. When we define calculatePayment, we should set default values for both salesTax and discount so if they're not specified when the function is invoked, they'll still be initialized with those values.

With ES5, we'd typically do that like this.

function calculatePayment (price, salesTax, discount) {
  salesTax = salesTax || 0.047
  discount = discount || 0

  // math
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If you've never seen the || operator used like this before, here's what's going on. When calculatePayment is invoked, salesTax is going to be set to salesTax is, unless it was falsy, then it will be set to 0.047. The same thing is happening for discount.

If you're obeservant, you may have noticed some issues with the current implementation. What happens if when we invoke calculatePayment passing in 100, 0, and 0?

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You might expect both salesTax and discount to be set to 0 since that's what we specified when the function was invoked. However, in JavaScript, 0 is falsy. So instead of salesTax being 0 as we specified, it's instead set to our default value of 0.047. To fix this, we can use the typeof operator rather than relying on the || operator.

function calculatePayment (price, salesTax, discount) {
  salesTax = typeof salesTax === 'undefined' ? 0.047 : salesTax
  discount = typeof discount === 'undefined' ? 0 : discount

  // math
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Much better. Now, salesTax will be 0 just as we'd expect. If you're still with me, you're in a great place to now understand the value add of ES6's Default Paremeters since they solve the same problem. However, instead of using the typeof operator to check if the values are undefined, we can do something like this instead,

function calculatePayment(price, salesTax = 0.047, discount = 0) {
  console.log('tax', salesTax)
  console.log('discount', discount)

  // math
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Notice all we did was move the logic up into where we define the function's parameters. Much cleaner.

Now typically this is where posts about Default Parameters end. However, I think there's one more cool|weird|clever aspect of Default Parameters that's worth mentioning.

Looking back at the calculatePayment function, I mentioned the only real required argument to the function was the price. Everything else we could just set a default value for but if price wasn't passed in, the function would break. What if there was a way, using default parameters, to have our function throw an error if price was undefined when the function was invoked? As you can probably guess, there is.

First, let's create a function called isRequired who's whole purpose is to just throw an error.

function isRequired (name) {
  throw new Error(name + 'is required')
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Now, similar to what we did earlier with salesTax and discount, let's set price equal to the function invocation of our isRequired function inside of the calculatePayment's parameters.

function isRequired (name) {
  throw new Error(name + 'is required')

function calculatePayment(
  price = isRequired('price'),
  salesTax = 0.047,
  discount = 0
) {

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Now if we invoke calculatePayment and don't pass in a price, we'll get an error.

This article was initially published at as part of their Modern JavaScript course

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