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Tzach Bonfil
Tzach Bonfil

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What happens inside the CSS Webpack Plugin - Style the Modern Web

​Styling a modern application is no simple task - traditionally it is done by serving HTML with CSS for styling, while sprinkling in some JavaScript to get the job done.

How do you modernize this approach of setting up an app? We might think we know the answer - to use a bundler like Webpack and a JavaScript framework / library like React.

But how do we handle the CSS, and why isn’t it as simple as you would expect?

Agenda -

  • Part 1: Understanding the issue with native CSS.
  • Part 2: Setting up our Webpack application without a CSS plugin.
  • Part 3: Writing the Loader.
  • Part 4: Writing an advanced Plugin.

If you are here just for implementation information, skip to part 3.

Disclaimer - This is not a production-ready plugin. To see one that is, check out a project my team and I are working on - Stylable.

Part 1: Understanding the issue with native CSS.

Our options

Native CSS is implemented in different ways:

  • The first (and the simplest) way to include CSS is using inline styling, which means that you explicitly include a style in an HTML tag. <span style="color:red;">...</span>

  • Another solution is to use an HTML tag called <style>...</style>, where its text content is the style itself, and it is used to target the different HTML elements.

  • And yet another option is to load a CSS file via a link tag and target the different HTML elements inside that file.

The problems

Each of the solutions above has its benefits and tradeoffs. It is very important to understand them to avoid unexpected behavior in your styling. You'll find that none of those solutions, however, solve one of the most problematic issues - that CSS is global.

The global issue is a pretty difficult one to overcome. Let's say you have a button with a class called btn and you style it. One day your co-worker works on a different page that has a button too, and he also decided to call it btn. The problem should be apparent - the styles would clash.

Another significant issue is specificity, where the specificity is equal between selectors, and the last declaration found in the CSS is applied to the element. To put it simply - your order matters.

Part 2: Setting up our Webpack application without a CSS plugin.

The solutions

Currently, there are many different solutions to these problems, from utility frameworks, CSS preprocessors, and other things that all try to help with the issues that native CSS has.

In this article, I would like to solve some of those problems from scratch with you.

First, let's set up our environment real quick. To do this, run these commands:

(We create a directory, initializing our package.json, and installing Webpack, and Babel dependencies)

mkdir example-css-plugin
cd example-css-plugin
npm init -y
npm i -D webpack webpack-cli @webpack-cli/generators @babel/preset-react
npm i react react-dom
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When the development dependencies have finished installing, run the Webpack init command:

npx webpack init
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For our setup, your answers should look like this:

? Which of the following JS solutions do you want to use? ES6
? Do you want to use webpack-dev-server? Yes
? Do you want to simplify the creation of HTML files for your bundle? Yes
? Do you want to add PWA support? No
? Which of the following CSS solutions do you want to use? none
? Do you like to install prettier to format generated configuration? No
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Make sure that this question is answered as such: "Which of the following CSS solutions do you want to use" - none.

Configure React

Go to .babelrc and make sure that the presets array includes "@babel/preset-react".

This is not a must but it’s to make sure that our project can transform jsx.

    "plugins": ["@babel/syntax-dynamic-import"],
    "presets": [
                "modules": false
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Now we need to go to index.html and make sure it has the div with the id of “root”.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <title>CSS Webpack Plugin example</title>
        <div id="root"></div>
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After all that, we are ready to write our app inside src/index.js:

import React from 'react';
import { render } from "react-dom";

    Hello World!
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Part 3: Writing the Loader

So what are we aiming for? First things first, we want to simply load our CSS from our JS.
Let's create our CSS file and call it index.css.

.app {
    background: red;
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And of course, use it in the index.js file:

import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import './index.css'

  <div className="app"> Hello World! </div>,
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Run our application:

npm run serve
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Now you probably see this error in the console:

This error makes a lot of sense, as Webpack does not know how to handle CSS imports - we need to tell it how to do it.

Creating a Webpack Loader

What are loaders?

Webpack enables the use of loaders to preprocess files. This allows you to bundle any static resource way beyond JavaScript.
To put it simply, in our case, they are functions that take the CSS file as input and output a js file.

Loader implementation

Let's create a file alongside the webpack.config.js named loader.js.
Our goal is to append the style value we get from the CSS file inside the dom.

// Appending the style inside the head
function appendStyle(value) {
    const style = document.createElement('style');
    style.textContent = value;

// Make sure it is not an arrow function since we will need the `this` context of webpack
function loader(fileValue) {
  // We stringify the appendStyle method and creating a file that will be invoked with the css file value in the runtime
  return `

module.exports = loader;

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Now we need to register it inside the webpack config.

const config = {
  //... rest of the config
    module: {
        rules: [
          // ... other rules not related to CSS
                test: /\.css$/,
                loader: require.resolve('./loader')
  // ...
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Restart the terminal, and we got it! 🎊

What’s happening behind the scenes?

Webpack sees your CSS import inside index.js. It looks for a loader and gives it the JavaScript value we want to evaluate in runtime.

Overcoming the global issue

Now we have our style, but everything is global. Every other language solves the global issue with scoping or namespacing. CSS, of course, is not a programming language per se, but the argument still holds.
We will implement the namespace solution. This is going to give us scoping, and each file is going to have its own namespace.
For example, our import is going to look like this:

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If another component has the same class name, it won't matter behind the scenes since the namespace will be different.
Let's go the loader.js and add the following method:

const crypto = require('crypto');

 * The name is the class we are going to scope, and the file path is the value we are going to use for namespacing.
 * The third argument is the classes, a map that points the old name to the new one.
function scope(name, filepath, classes) {
  name = name.slice(1); // Remove the dot from the name.
  const hash = crypto.createHash('sha1'); // Use sha1 algorithm.
  hash.write(filepath); // Hash the filepath.

  const namespace = hash.digest('hex').slice(0, 6); // Get the hashed filepath.
  const newName = `s${namespace}__${name}`;

  classes[name] = newName; // Save the old and the new classes.

  return `.${newName}`
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After we are done scoping the class, let's return the loader method.
We need a way to connect the scoped class selector to the user's javascript code.

function loader(fileValue) {
  const classes = {}; // Map that points the old name to the new one.
  const classRegex = /(\.([a-zA-Z_-]{1}[\w-_]+))/g; // Naive regex to match everything that starts with a dot.
  const scopedFileValue = fileValue.replace(classRegex, (name) => scope(name, this.resourcePath, classes)); // Replace the old class with the new one and add it to the classes object

 // Change the fileValue to scopedFileValue and export the classes.
  return `
    export default ${JSON.stringify(classes)}
  ` // Export allows the user to use it in their javascript code
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In the index.js, we can now use it as an object:

import React from 'react';
import { render } from "react-dom";
import classes from './index.css'; // Import the classes object.

  <div className={ /* Use the app class  */}>
    Hello World
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Now it works with the namespaced selector 🎉
Class with namespaced selector
Some important points about the changes we implemented.

  • When the loader is used by Webpack, the context will be the loader context (this) from Webpack. You can read more about it here. It provides the resolved file path, which makes the namespace unique to the file.

  • The way we extract the classes selectors from the CSS file is a naive implementation that isn't taking into account other use cases. The ideal way is to use a CSS parser.

  • this.resourcePath refers to the local path, which means that in other machines, the path may look different.

    The loader is now implemented, and we've got scoped classes at this point. However, everything is loaded from JavaScript, and so it is not yet possible to cache the CSS.

    To do this, we will need to compose all the CSS into one file, and to do that, we will need to create a Webpack plugin.

    Part 4: Writing an advanced Plugin

    As mentioned before, we implemented a loader that can inject CSS into our page. What if we want to do it with a singal file and not an injection, however?

    Loading CSS as a file comes with many benefits, and the best of them is caching. A browser can cache that file and won't need to redownload it every time it is needed.

    This operation is more complicated than the loader case since we will have more context on the Webpack bundling process.

What is a plugin?

A Webpack plugin is a JavaScript object that has an apply method. This apply method is called by the Webpack compiler, giving it access to the entire compilation lifecycle.

Creating the Plugin

Let's create a file called plugin.js, and create the plugin skeleton:

class CSSPlugin {
  cssMap = new Map() // We will save the CSS content here

   * Hook into the compiler
   * @param {import('webpack').Compiler} compiler 
  apply(compiler) { }

module.exports = {

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Now let's implement the apply method:

class CSSPlugin {
  cssMap = new Map() // We will save the CSS content here

   * Hook into the compiler
   * @param {import('webpack').Compiler} compiler 
  apply(compiler) {

    // Hook into the global compilation.
    compiler.hooks.thisCompilation.tap('CSSPlugin', (compilation) => {

      // Hook into the loader to save the CSS content.
        (context, module) => {

          // Setting up a method on the loader context that we will use inside the loader.
          context.setOutputCSS = (css) => {

            // the key is the resource path, and the CSS is the actual content.
            this.cssMap.set(module.resource, css)
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We hooked into the global compilation and then hooked into the loader (which was implemented previously).

When the loader content is reachable, we add the setOutputCSS method to call it from the loader.

Here's how to call this method in loader.js:

function loader(fileValue) {
  const classes = {}; // Map that points the old name to the new one.
  const classRegex = /(\.([a-zA-Z_-]{1}[\w-_]+))/g; // Naive regex to match everything that starts with a dot.
  const scopedFileValue = fileValue.replace(classRegex, (name) => scope(name, this.resourcePath, classes)); // Replace the old class with the new one and add it to the classes object

  this.setOutputCSS(scopedFileValue) // Pass the scoped CSS output

 // Export the classes.
  return `export default ${JSON.stringify(classes)}`
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As you can see, we are not appending the style in the JavaScript. We use the method we added to the context.

After collecting all the scoped CSS content, we now need to hook into the asset process hook to let the compiler know that we have a new asset that it should handle.

Let's add it to the apply method:

class CSSPlugin {
  // ...

  apply(compiler) {
        (compilation) => {
        // ...

        // Hook into the process assets hook
            name: 'CSSPlugin',
            stage: compiler.webpack.Compilation.PROCESS_ASSETS_STAGE_DERIVED
          () => {

                // Loop over the CSS content and add it to the content variable
                let content = '';
                for (const [path, css] of this.cssMap) {
                  content += `/* ${path} */\n${css}\n`;

                // Append the asset to the entries.
                for (const [name, entry] of compilation.entrypoints) {
                  assetName = `${name}.css`;

                // Create the source instance with the content.
                const asset = new compiler.webpack.sources.RawSource(content, false);

                // Add it to the compilation
                compilation.emitAsset(assetName, asset);
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Now we'll run the build command:

npm run build
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We should see main.css in the output folder, and also injected into the HTML:




And that's it!
We finished the Plugin and have one CSS file for all of the CSS.

Note that we skipped dependencies, graph ordering, and filtering unused CSS for demonstration purposes.

You can see my full implementation with typescript and tests in this repo here.

If you have any questions you can reach me via LinkedIn. I hope I managed to help you.

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