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Udhyakumar Murugesan
Udhyakumar Murugesan

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Next Js Localisation

Hello All,

I am new to this community and thank you for your support and time.
I am working on a bilingual site (English and Japanese). I am using next-intl package to set the locale. I am trying to implement the following use cases

  1. Set the default language to user browser language
  2. Set the default language from EN -> JPA

Tech Stack : Next Js 14, Typescript

I tried changing the language, but its not setting the default languge.

Reference Link -

Thank You

Top comments (2)

drazenbebic profile image
Drazen Bebic

This should already work out of the box.

Next.js will usually automatically detect the locale using the Accept-Language header which is sent by the client. If you're using a browser, this is usually identical to the navigator.languages values.

Can you show us what your i18n middleware looks like?

udhyam profile image
Udhyakumar Murugesan

export default async function middleware(request: any) {
const [, locale, ...segments] = request.nextUrl.pathname.split("/")

const handleI18nRouting = createIntlMiddleware({
defaultLocale: 'ja',
// localeDetection: false,