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Simon Ugorji
Simon Ugorji

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Easily Generate a Horizontal Table with JavaScript

I will show you how to generate a table using a function in JavaScript.


Let us declare the table data we need for our table.


This Object holds the columns needed for the table head.

We will add a new property { "1" } with its value as an array ["name", "text-danger"].
Now, the first index of the array is the column needed for the table head, and the second index is the css class of that column.


This Object holds the columns needed for the table body.

The structure is almost the same as the one above, except that you will have to add more values depending on the table head columns.


This variable holds the ClassList of our table. You can separate multiple classes with a space.

const theadData = {
"1" : ["name","text-danger"],
"2" : ["email", "text-danger"],
"3" : ["password", "text-danger"]
const tbodyData = {
"1": ['Simon Ugorji', '', 'simon'],
"2": ['John Doe', '', 'john'],
"3": ['Cherish Junior', '', 'cherish']
const tableClass = "table";

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Let us create a function to generate a table with the data we have provided.

In our function, we need to specify a local variable ( t ) which we will use within a loop.

Now we will use document.createElement(), to create the elements needed within our table.

(function generateTable() {
    var t;
    //create table with classlist
    var table = document.createElement("table");
    table.setAttribute("class", tableClass);
    //create table head
    var thead = document.createElement("thead");
    //create table head table row
    var theadTr = document.createElement("tr");
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Now we need to loop through the table head data provided in the variable (theadData) and append each data inside our table head. We will use the ( t ) variable we created earlier for this.

Our loop will check the length of the thead data provided, then it will access its properties and values, and create a table row with a single table data from our loop, inside of it.

Inside the loop, we will use the method appendChild() to append all elements found within table head > table row to its parent which is table row.

After the loop must have finished, we will append the table row to its parent element which is table head (thead).

(function generateTable() {
    var t;
    //create table with classlist
    var table = document.createElement("table");
    table.setAttribute("class", tableClass);
    //create table head
    var thead = document.createElement("thead");
    //create table head table row
    var theadTr = document.createElement("tr");
    //Loop through the table head dataset provided
    for(t = 1; t <= Object.keys(theadData).length; t++){
        //create table head > table row >  table data
        var td = document.createElement("td");
        //set inner text to be a single value from the loop
        td.innerText = theadData[t][0];
        //set class
        td.setAttribute("class", theadData[t][1]);
        //append each of the table data to the thead row
    //append thead row to thead
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I used Object.keys(theadData).length to retrieve the length of our theadData Object. This is a known method of accessing the length of an object.

So far our HTML table structure should Look like this



Let us use the same process for the table body but a bit differently.

The reason why the table head above, was so easy to complete, is because in a horizontal table, table heads contain a max of one row for all columns.

This is unlike the table body, where you will need to check the number of records provided before you can create the row for that data.

Just like the image below, we have 2 rows specifying 2 different records. So we have to check properly, the number of records that we are dealing with, then create a row for each record.


(function generateTable() {
    var t;
    //create table with classlist
    var table = document.createElement("table");
    table.setAttribute("class", tableClass);
    //create table head
    var thead = document.createElement("thead");
    //create table head table row
    var theadTr = document.createElement("tr");
    //Loop through the table head dataset provided
    for(t = 1; t <= Object.keys(theadData).length; t++){
        //create table head > table row >  table data
        var td = document.createElement("td");
        //set inner text to be a single value from the loop
        td.innerText = theadData[t][0];
        //set class
        td.setAttribute("class", theadData[t][1]);
        //append each of the table data to the thead row
    //append thead row to thead
    /**** TBODY ****/
    var tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
    //Init table body object
    var tbodyTd =  {};
    //create table body table data
    var td; 
    //loop through the table body dataset provided -> Number of records
    for(t = 1; t <= Object.keys(tbodyData).length; t++){
        //for each record, create a table row
        var tbodyTr = document.createElement("tr");
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Now inside the second loop, we need another loop within it, that will go through the records again, to append the values of each property to the element table body > table data (td).

If you noticed, I created a new object ( var tbodyTd = {} ) that will hold all elements table data( td ) needed for table body > table row (tr).

So still inside this loop, we will create the table data td element and then store it in the object ( tbodyTd ). Since we can refer to a property in this object as a Node, we can directly append our value to this property using the method .innerText(), and then append that property to table body > table row.

(function generateTable() {
    var t;
    //create table with classlist
    var table = document.createElement("table");
    table.setAttribute("class", tableClass);
    //create table head
    var thead = document.createElement("thead");
    //create table head table row
    var theadTr = document.createElement("tr");
    //Loop through the table head dataset provided
    for(t = 1; t <= Object.keys(theadData).length; t++){
        //create table head > table row >  table data
        var td = document.createElement("td");
        //set inner text to be a single value from the loop
        td.innerText = theadData[t][0];
        //set class
        td.setAttribute("class", theadData[t][1]);
        //append each of the table data to the thead row
    //append thead row to thead
    /**** TBODY ****/
    var tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
    //Init table body object
    var tbodyTd =  {};
    //create table body table data
    var td; 
    //loop through the table body dataset provided -> Number of records
    for(t = 1; t <= Object.keys(tbodyData).length; t++){
        //for each record, create a table row
        var tbodyTr = document.createElement("tr");
        //loop through the dataset again to create all table data that we need
        for(var a = 0; a < Object.keys(tbodyData[t]).length; ++a){
            //add a new table data property to the table body object
            tbodyTd[a]  = document.createElement("td");
            // set the inner text of the table data within our object
            tbodyTd[a].innerText = tbodyData[t][a];
            //append single table data to table row
        //after table data set loop, to create the table data we need,
        //append that data to table body table row  
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After this loop, we will then append all elements found inside table body > table row to table body.


We have succeeded in creating the table elements below;

  • table > thead > tr > td
  • table > tbody > tr > td

Now it's time to append thead and tbody to our table and then provide the element we should append our table into.

(function generateTable() {
    var t;
    //create table with classlist
    var table = document.createElement("table");
    table.setAttribute("class", tableClass);
    //create table head
    var thead = document.createElement("thead");
    //create table head table row
    var theadTr = document.createElement("tr");
    //Loop through the table head dataset provided
    for(t = 1; t <= Object.keys(theadData).length; t++){
        //create table head > table row >  table data
        var td = document.createElement("td");
        //set inner text to be a single value from the loop
        td.innerText = theadData[t][0];
        //set class
        td.setAttribute("class", theadData[t][1]);
        //append each of the table data to the thead row
    //append thead row to thead
    /**** TBODY ****/
    var tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
    //Init table body object
    var tbodyTd =  {};
    //create table body table data
    var td; 
    //loop through the table body dataset provided -> Number of records
    for(t = 1; t <= Object.keys(tbodyData).length; t++){
        //for each record, create a table row
        var tbodyTr = document.createElement("tr");
        //loop through the dataset again to create all table data that we need
        for(var a = 0; a < Object.keys(tbodyData[t]).length; ++a){
            //add a new table data property to the table body object
            tbodyTd[a]  = document.createElement("td");
            // set the inner text of the table data within our object
            tbodyTd[a].innerText = tbodyData[t][a];
            //append single table data to table row
        //after table data set loop, to create the table data we need,
        //append that data to table body table row  
    //append table head to table
    //append table body to table
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We have successfully created our Horizontal Table Generator!

Let us test it out in our console with the sample data below.

Before we can be able to append our table, we need to create an element with the id ( 'table' ).

I will copy the code below and paste it directly on the console of a blank page where I had created an element with the id ( 'table' ).

const theadData = {
"1" : ["Name","text-danger"],
"2" : ["Category", "text-danger"],
"3" : ["Years", "text-danger"]
const tbodyData = {
"1": ['Simon Ugorji', 'Web Developer', '2'],
"2": ['John Doe', 'App Developer', '3'],
"3": ['Cherish Junior', 'Full Stack Developer', '4']
const tableClass = "table";

(function generateTable() {
    var t;
    //create table with classlist
    var table = document.createElement("table");
    table.setAttribute("class", tableClass);
    //create table head
    var thead = document.createElement("thead");
    //create table head table row
    var theadTr = document.createElement("tr");
    //Loop through the table head dataset provided
    for(t = 1; t <= Object.keys(theadData).length; t++){
        //create table head > table row >  table data
        var td = document.createElement("td");
        //set inner text to be a single value from the loop
        td.innerText = theadData[t][0];
        //set class
        td.setAttribute("class", theadData[t][1]);
        //append each of the table data to the thead row
    //append thead row to thead
    /**** TBODY ****/
    var tbody = document.createElement("tbody");
    //Init table body object
    var tbodyTd =  {};
    //create table body table data
    var td; 
    //loop through the table body dataset provided -> Number of records
    for(t = 1; t <= Object.keys(tbodyData).length; t++){
        //for each record, create a table row
        var tbodyTr = document.createElement("tr");
        //loop through the dataset again to create all table data that we need
        for(var a = 0; a < Object.keys(tbodyData[t]).length; ++a){
            //add a new table data property to the table body object
            tbodyTd[a]  = document.createElement("td");
            // set the inner text of the table data within our object
            tbodyTd[a].innerText = tbodyData[t][a];
            //append single table data to table row
        //after table data set loop, to create the table data we need,
        //append that data to table body table row  
    //append table head to table
    //append table body to table
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Ah-ha! Just like I expected


NOTE: I had styled my table on the blank page. You will see a different design when you run yours.

Go ahead and tweak the function to suit your project.

If you would like to implement a search form on this table, then this article is for you.

You have reached the end of my article.


I recently launched a JavaScript package that validates your HTML forms using validation rules, regular expressions, and form input attributes.

I will appreciate it if you spared a few seconds to check it out.

octaValidate - A client-side form validation library | Product Hunt

This Tiny Script helps to validate your HTML forms using validation rules, sophisticated regular expressions and form input attributes.


Thank You

Top comments (3)

frankwisniewski profile image
Frank Wisniewski

It's much easier to use the table object

ugorji_simon profile image
Simon Ugorji • Edited

But you will still need a function to wrap all the methods in if you want to build an organized big table.
The function above is still okay if your want to generate a table, I guess I will make a tutorial on using the table constructor.

Thanks once again for your contribution

ugorji_simon profile image
Simon Ugorji

Haven't heard of it.
I guess I have to make a research on this.
Thanks for your contribution frank!