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React: Best Frontend Framework 2024

React is a free and open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces based on components(Wikipedia 2024). It has a great community of developers that is maintained by Meta.
During my internship at HNG we are going to be using this framework to build projects and products that will solve real life problems. You can know more about the internship here

You may be interested to know why react should be the best FRONTEND framework for web developers in 2024, it’s because of:

  1. Easy to learn
  2. Components based so you code are not complicated and difficult to understand.
  3. States management: with different in built hooks one can effectively manage states in react.
  4. Routing:
  5. Reusable components 6.Virtual DOM which first updates before updating the DOM making it very fast.’s helps build very scalable applications. 8.One way data flow from parent to child using props which also makes learning it not complex
  6. JSX syntax which is easy to learn
  7. Data binding

React should be your go to framework for building FRONTEND applications whether as a beginner or seasoned developer. You can join me and let’s explore this framework together during my HNG11 internship. Check it out here

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