TL;DR For those of you who are using Github Actions, I've created a githubsecrets cli
Manage your GitHub Actions secrets with a simple CLI
The Why
- Using CLI is faster than using GUI, especially if it's a repetitive task
- Quickly rotating keys/secrets in CI/CD processes
- I didn't have access to the Settings tab of my customer's GitHub repository, and I had to add a secret - so I used the API, and it was exhausting, so I wrote this CLI
Install with pip
$ pip install githubsecrets
$ ghs init
$ ghs --help # to view available commands
Use in Docker
Or use with Docker (you must supply all arguments, prompts are not available in Docker mode)
macOS and Linux
$ docker run -v $HOME:/root unfor19/githubsecrets --help
Usage: ghs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
$ docker run --rm -v c:/Temp:/root unfor19/githubsecrets --help
Usage: ghs [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Final words
I hope that this CLI tool helped you, and if it did, then 👏/💟/🐴 and share!
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