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Usman M Kafi
Usman M Kafi

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From Self-Doubt to Confidence: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome as a New Web Developer

Hey fellow devs!

I still remember my first coding project like it was yesterday. I was excited, yet terrified. "What if i am not good enough?", "what if i am just faking it?" Sound familiar?

Imposter syndrome is a real struggle, especially for beginner devs. But here is the thing: 99.99% of devs must have that feeling in one way or the other. So you are not alone.

Recognising Imposter Syndrome

Do you:

  • Feel like you are just winging it?
  • Fear being discovered as a "fake"?
  • Doubt your abilities, despite progress?

Strategies to Overcome Imposter Syndrome

  1. Acknowledge and accept: Recognise that imposter syndrome is normal and temporary. Acknowledge your feelings, rather than suppressing or denying them.
  • Identify triggers: Reflect on situations that make you feel like an imposter.
  • Label emotions: "I'm feeling anxious/insecure about this task."
  • Accept imperfection: Remind yourself that mistakes are part of the learning process.
  1. Focus on learning: Shift your focus from perceived inadequacy to learning and growth.
  • Set achievable goals: Break tasks into manageable chunks.
  • Seek resources: Online tutorials, documentations or mentorship.
  • Practice consistently: Regular coding exercises or projects.
  1. Build a support network: Surround yourself with positive influences and supportive peers.
  • Join online communities: Stack Overflow, Reddit etc.
  • Find coding buddies: Pair programming, code reviews, or study groups.
  • Attend meetups/events: Conferences, workshop, or meetups.
  1. Celebrate small wins: Recognise and celebrate progress, no matter how small.
  • Track progress: Keep a journal or log accomplishments.
  • Reward yourself: Take breaks, enjoy a favourite activity.
  • Share successes: With friends, family, or online communities.
  1. Practice self-care: Prioritise mental health and well-being.
  • Take breaks: Regularly step away from coding.
  • Exercise/move: Physical activity improves mental clarity.
  • Mindfulness/meditation: Reduce stress and increase focus.


Always remember you are not alone. Overcoming imposter syndrome takes time, patience, and compassion. Focus on growth, learning and support.

Share your own experiences with imposter syndrome in the comments section.

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