I love how colourful and sparkly everything is during holiday season, dont you? And today I'll share with you a tool that makes terminal a lot more festive as well!
Install the dependency, e.g:
deno add npm:gradient-string
Create a script, e.g. main.ts
import gradient from "npm:gradient-string";
console.log(gradient(["red", "green"])("Happy Holidays"));
And run with deno -A main.ts
And if that didn't impress you, try this one:
import { pastel } from "npm:gradient-string";
. . . + . . .
. . . # . .
. . ### . . .
. . "#:. .:##"##:. .:#" . .
. . "####"###"####" .
. "#:. .:#"###"#:. .:#" . . .
. "#########"#########" . .
. "#:. "####"###"####" .:#" . .
. . "#######""##"##""#######" .
."##"#####"#####"##" . .
. "#:. ... .:##"###"###"##:. ... .:#" .
. "#######"##"#####"##"#######" . .
. . "#####""#######""#####" . .
. " 000 " . .
. . . 000 . . .
.. .. ..................O000O........................ ...... ...`
Now, that's sight to behold:
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