
Cover image for Convert any CSS into Tailwind CSS
Vasil Zidrovski
Vasil Zidrovski

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Convert any CSS into Tailwind CSS

Have you tried designing your website right into the browser? It boosts your creativity and it's much faster than switching between your favourite IDE and the browser.

On top of that, if you are using a CSS framework like Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap, there are tools that will suggest classes relevant to the elements you are designing and you just are able to use the whole potential of such frameworks.

I've been using Nuweb internally for designing my projects since a year ago, and now decided to publish it to the public, in hope that it will help web designers save some time and improve their web designing experience.

Some of the features

  • Add/remove/toggle classes and navigate through them using the keyboard
  • Preview classes fast before applying them
  • Getting a list of alternative classes based on the current ones
  • Duplicate/remove/copy HTML elements
  • View changes in the code and copy them
  • Convert any CSS to Tailwind CSS
  • Preview elements in CodePen

Converting any style to Tailwind CSS is something that was taking me a lot of time, and it's never ideally converted using some tools on the market. So, this experience is accumulated into developing this newest feature which takes into account element states, media queries, and many other aspects in order to generate the exact Tailwind CSS clases.

Any feedback will be greatly appreciated, drop me a message at in order to get a free license as an early adopter.

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