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Vasudevan Tamilarasan
Vasudevan Tamilarasan

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Front-end Discussion

Payilagam : 18-March-2025

Topic : Front-end Discussion.

I - CSS - transition property:

  1. transition is one of the CSS property that allows to style the transition of an particular event on a element.
  2. we can use the css property as transition factor to run the effects on the particular property changes.
  3. syntax is transition: [transition-property] [transition-duration] [transition-timing-function] [transition-delay] [transition-behavior];

II - CSS multi-class styling

  1. Sometimes we need a same design for more than one HTML elements in CSS with slight changes.
  2. There we can use the single class for major styling purpose and make it use for the all HTML elements which need the styling.
  3. Additionally, declare some extra classes for style the slight different things.

III - Javascript Async & Await - mechanism.

  1. Whenever we make an API call it may or may not takes the time to produce the result.
  2. It affects the whole program execution & make the other function to wait until it finished its work.
  3. This may create a bad behavior for website users.
  4. In javascript we can use Async function outside an Await statement, so javascript ca understand this function may take time, hence it execute the remaining code of the program, once the async function makes result, it included in the program flow by its caller.
  5. Async function tells javascript it is an asynchronous funcion.
  6. Await statement tells js to wait until the statement being executed.


    aysnc function getWetherData(){
    const response = await axios.get(); // await statement makes the api call and waits until the data received from thus API.

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