This is a windows desktop applicaiton, which has 3 main features. It can search a given text on webpage list loaded from Excel file (Web Scraper). It can generate visits to webpages on a list loaded from Excel file. It can also run JavaScript on webpages and simulate webpage navigation. Each navigation step can run different JavaScript. Last feature can be used for webpage testing and webpage navigation demonstration etc.
Web Automation Tool have 3 main features:
A) Web Scraper
1) Load list (*.xlsx file) of websites or enter websites manual to search in their content.
2) Enter text to search. (Please pay attention to new lines and/or spaces between words)
3) Run automated search.
B) Simulate website navigation and/or share your simulated navigation for example to present your web application
C) Generate Visits to Various Websites
1) Load list (*.xlsx file) of websites to be visited or enter websites manual.
2) Enter how many times the list should be repeated.
3) Run automated visits.
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