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Create MultiProject Angular ApplicationšŸ”„

In this post, we will learn how to create and organize multiple Angular applications in one project or workspace. This is useful for enterprises that use a single repository and global configuration for all Angular projects.


You need to have Angular CLI installed. You can check the version by running ng --version in your terminal. If you donā€™t have it, you can install it by running npm install -g @angular/cli.


  • Create a workspace with the following option. This will create a workspace with all the workspace-wide configuration files, but no root-level application.
ng new MultiProjectApp --create-application=false
cd MultiProjectApp
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create Project

  • Use the following command to add as many applications as you want.
ng generate application Project1
ng generate application Project2
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Project 1

Project 2

  • To run an application, use ng serve with the application name or the --project flag.
ng serve Project1
# or
ng serve --project="Project1"
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  • To build a production application, use ng build ProjectName with the --configuration=production flag. The build output will be stored in the dist folder with the application name.
ng build Project1 --configuration=production
ng build Project2 --configuration=production
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Production builds

Folder Structure

The folder structure of the workspace is as follows:

Folder structure


There are several benefits of having multiple Angular applications in one project:

  1. You do not have to run the time-consuming npm install for every application.
  2. The node_modules folder is shared with all the other applications, saving disk space and time.
  3. All the applications can be updated to the next version easily with a single command.
  4. You can use a single source-control repository (such as git) for all the applications.
  5. You can create and use libraries that contain shared components, services, directives, pipes, etc. across the applications.


In this post, I have shown you how to create and organize multiple Angular applications in one project or workspace. This is a useful technique for enterprises that use a single repository and global configuration for all Angular projects. It also supports library development and code reuse. I hope you found this post helpful and learned something new. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please feel free to share them below. Thank you for reading!

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