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Victor Ajadi
Victor Ajadi

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React Video Playback Made Easy: Unleash the Power of the New MVP VideoPlayer Component

Introducing the VideoPlayer Component: A Powerful and Customizable Video Playback Solution for React with Keyboard Navigation

Empowering Your React Applications with Enhanced Video Playback

This project introduces the VideoPlayer component, a robust and configurable video playback solution designed specifically for React applications. It goes beyond basic video display, offering a rich set of features that elevate the user experience and cater to diverse project needs, including built-in keyboard navigation for accessibility.

Key Features and Benefits:

  • Seamless Integration: Leverages the power of React for effortless incorporation into your application's UI.
  • Interactive Controls: Provides a wide range of built-in controls, including play/pause, speed adjustment (if supported by the video format), full screen, theater mode, picture-in-picture, caption support, and keyboard navigation.
  • Customization Flexibility: Empowers developers to tailor the player's functionality by enabling or disabling specific controls as needed.
  • Streamlined Configuration: Simplifies player setup through intuitive props that control various behaviors.
  • Subtitle Support: Enhances accessibility and caters to multilingual audiences by allowing subtitle file upload in popular formats like .srt and .vtt.
  • Customizable Icons: Offers the ability to inject custom SVG icons for backward and forward seek buttons for a cohesive visual experience.
  • Optional Features: Provides flexibility with optional props like allowFrame for specifying iframe embedding and video preview on timeline hover.
  • Keyboard Navigation: Supports essential keyboard shortcuts for play/pause, full screen, theater mode, mute, and seeking backward/forward using arrow keys or specific letters (e.g., "j", "l").

Comparison with Other React Video Players:

Several React video player libraries exist, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Here's a brief comparison with a few popular options:

  • React Player: Offers a wide range of features, including quality selection, autoplay, and custom controls, but might have a steeper learning curve.
  • Video-React: A lightweight and customizable library with good documentation, but may lack some advanced features like picture-in-picture.
  • VideoPlayer (This Library): Provides a good balance of features and ease of use, with built-in navigation, subtitle support, and optional iframe embedding. However, it currently doesn't offer functionalities like quality selection or auto-generated captions.

The best choice for your project depends on your specific requirements and priorities. Consider factors like feature set, ease of use, and community support when making your decision.

Installation and Usage:

To install the VideoPlayer library in your React project, use npm:

npm install lib-react-youtube-player

Basic Usage Example:

The following code snippet showcases a basic implementation of the VideoPlayer component within a React application:

// Import VideoPlayer from the library

import { VideoPlayer } from 'lib-react-youtube-player';

// Import the video file

import videoFile from './assets/video/Learn useRef in 11 Minutes.mp4';

function App() {

  return (

    <div className="App">

      {/* Render the VideoPlayer component */}

        speedbtnProp={true} // Enable speed control button

        fullscreenProp={true} // Enable full screen button

        theaterProp={true} // Enable theater mode button

        pipProp={true} // Enable picture-in-picture button

        captionbtnProp // Enable caption/subtitle button

        backwardBtn={false} // Disable backward seek button

        forwardBtn={false} // Disable forward seek button

        videoFile={videoFile} // Specify the video file path

        allowFrame={true} // Enable iframe embedding (optional)

        LeftBackwardSvgIcon={() => { // Provide custom backward seek SVG here }}

        RightForwardSvgIcon={() => { // Provide custom forward seek SVG here }}

        subtitleFile={'./assets/srt/Learn useRef in 11'} // Default subtitle file (optional)





export default App;
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Image description


Import Statements: We import the VideoPlayer component from the 'lib-react-youtube-player' library and the video file (Learn useRef in 11 Minutes.mp4) using import statements.

App Component: The App function is the main component of our React application.

Rendering the VideoPlayer: Inside the App component's JSX, we render the VideoPlayer component.

Configuring Props: We configure the VideoPlayer component using various props to enable or disable specific controls, specify the video file, and activate optional features like iframe embedding.

We encourage you to explore the VideoPlayer component further and consider incorporating it into your React projects. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to us via email at or connect with us on LinkedIn www.

Mimicking YouTube Functionality:

The VideoPlayer component aims to offer a similar user experience to YouTube in several aspects, including:

  • Play/Pause functionality with keyboard shortcuts (spacebar or "k").
  • Full screen mode toggle with keyboard shortcut ("f").
  • Theater mode toggle with keyboard shortcut ("t").
  • Mute toggle with keyboard shortcut ("m").
  • Seeking backward and forward using arrow keys or specific letters ("j" for 5 seconds backward, "l" for 5 seconds forward).
  • Subtitle support through user-uploaded .srt and .vtt files, activated by the caption button.

Iframe Preview (Optional):

The VideoPlayer offers the optional allowFrame prop, which enables you to embed the video within an iframe. This can be useful for providing a preview image on the timeline when hovering, similar to YouTube's functionality.


  • Currently, the library doesn't support video quality selection, unlike YouTube.
  • It relies on user-uploaded subtitle files and doesn't offer auto-generated captions like YouTube.

We're continuously improving the VideoPlayer component, and these features might be added in future updates.

The VideoPlayer component provides a versatile and user-friendly solution for video playback in your React applications. Its intuitive design, keyboard navigation accessibility, and customizable features make it a valuable asset in your development toolkit. Explore the component further to personalize video experiences and enhance your React projects.

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