What I built
A Progressive Web App that show Dev.to users or Organization Information And Their article Analytics, It's Show chart of user's article performance and Some facts about tag used in articles.
View your account Analytics websense.tech
Category Submission:
Random Roulette
App Link
This Pwa is built with React that show Dev.to users or Organization Information And Their article Analytics
- search :
Enter Username of User or organization, and submit:
- api-key :
Go to /api And Enter your Private Api key and see your Account information (Views, Follower and others)
- sort :
You can sort article base on likes, comments and defult
- user :
You can share your account information (as Portfolio) by
url - And Many More take a try websense.tech
Link to Source Code
Permissive License
I have been recently acquire skill in React, So i decided to use React with some api, than i decided to make a app that show dev.to users Information and their article performance Using Dev.to Api
How I built it
This Hackathon is Really Productive for me, During this project development I learned Axios, Chart.js instigation with React, Pwa And Many-More, And DigitalOcean app Platform's Autodeploy is really amazing You don't need deploy your app again and again after code change.
Additional Resources/Info
This Projects doesn't exist without Dev.to Api And DigitalOcean App platform
List of Tool Used
Top comments (6)
Very cool app! How long have you been learning/using react?
I can't believe you made an app like that without having used those frameworks for years. That's super impressive! :)
Thanks,i am glad that you like it
I started learning React about six months ago.
And thanks again for your appreciation 🙏🙏
Cool app!
Thanks 🙏
this is very awesome and unique.
thanks for your appreciation 🙏