2024 felt like a juggling act. I was learning Golang, Python, Docker, Kubernetes, networking, operating systems, DSA, and AI—all at once. The result? I made progress in many areas but didn’t feel confident about any of them.
Reflecting on this scattered approach, I realized that less is better. My plan for 2025 is to focus on a single topic each month and document my learning process and the projects I create.
🎯 Setting Better Goals
⏳ Parkinson's Law
Parkinson’s Law states that work expands to fill the time allotted for its completion. I’ve found this to be very true in my case—I tend to procrastinate and stretch tasks unnecessarily. To counter this, I plan to set tighter deadlines and stick to them, creating a sense of urgency to stay productive.
✍️ Writing
I’ve wanted to start writing for a long time, and now I’m finally committing to it. My goal is to write about my learning journey through blogs. I also want to be more mindful of how I spend my time and work toward using it effectively.
📆 Monthly Focus Areas
In 2025, I’ll dedicate each month to mastering one topic, whether it’s Golang, Python, Docker, Kubernetes, networking, operating systems, AI, or DSA. This focused approach will help me avoid spreading myself too thin and give me the time to go deeper into each area. By documenting my learning and projects, I’ll build a solid foundation and confidence in my skills.
🚀 One goal, one month at a time. Let’s do this!
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