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Vivek Agrawal
Vivek Agrawal

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5 Free 'non-AI' Design Tools to Create Human Loving Landing Pages

Around a week back I had to build a landing page for my free cryptography course for web developers. As I started building it, I collected some tools along the way.

These tools tremendously helped me make the landing page so much more beautiful than what I could built.

These tools left me thinking -- why the heck I didn't know about them earlier!

Just to be clear: I am not at all commercially related to any of these tools. I just loved them and I know you will too. That's why I'm sharing it with you guys.

All the tools mentioned in this list are completely free with no ads and no paywalls. They are actually free gold I would say.

1. SVG Repo

This website has a huge collection of SVG vector graphics and icons. I adore their ad-free and simple design. There's no paywall. All the SVG graphics are totally free. You can use these SVGs as icons or in some other graphics.

SVG Repo website image

This website has a SVG editor as well. I found it super helpful in changing the color of the SVG to match my landing page's color palette.

➡️ Check it out: SVG Repo

2. Excalidraw

It's a hugely popular drawing tool. The lightning moment for me was when I discovered the Excalidraw libraries. The excalidraw library contains pre-made graphics by the community. This helps in quickly creating cool looking graphics and diagrams.

For example, I used some pre-made graphics from the excalidraw library to create the below graphic for my course's landing page. And it just took me around 10 minutes to do it all. Without excalidraw libraries, it would have taken lots of time to execute it.

A diagram illustrating private and public keys

➡️ Check it out: Excalidraw

3. Haikei

This is such a well-engineered tool. It allows you to create SVG designs. You can use these designs as a background in parts of your landing page or inside your product as well.

Haikei UI image

I used this tool to create a background for my landing page's past work section:

my course's past work section image

➡️ Check it out: Haikei

4. unDraw Handcrafts

Image description

This tool has lots of hand drawn SVG graphics that can be used to highlight parts of headings in your landing pages. These hand drawn graphics are so pleasing that you will find its use in various situations.

I downloaded a hand drawn rocket from this site and put it on my landing page's about section:

a part of my landing page's about section

➡️ Check it out: unDraw Handcrafts

5. Hero Patterns

I always wondered from where did those SVG patternistic backgrounds came from. When I found Hero Patterns, man, I was stunned.

Hero patterns has lots of SVG background patterns. The website allows you to choose the right colors and then you just need to copy and paste a CSS snippet.

I used this tool to create a graph paper sort of background for the curriculum section of my course's landing page:

a part of curriculum section of my course's landing page

➡️ Check it out: Hero Patterns

The last three tools I found from Marc Lou's ShipFast Documentation. He's an inspiring product builder!

You should follow me on Twitter. I try to put useful stuff there. And I will respect your time.

Thank you for reading!


Top comments (4)

gleamso profile image

Thanks for sharing. Love HeroPatterns 😍

I've made - OpenGraph image generator.
Hope it becomes one in your toolbox.

vkweb profile image
Vivek Agrawal looks nice and useful! Keep it up!

urbanisierung profile image

SVGRepo and Hero Patterns are 🔥 Thanks for showing the tools you used!

vkweb profile image
Vivek Agrawal

Thanks Adam!

PS: Looking forward for the weeklyfoo release :D