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It's time to talk about DRY

This is a pattern that is one of the main practices in programming and system design. Its essence lies in minimizing the repetition of information and code, which helps to increase readability, maintainability, and scalability of software.

The main aspects of this principle:

Don't repeat code: When you write programs, avoid having the same lines of code repeated in different parts of the program. This means you should not copy or write the same code over and over again. Instead, create this code once and use it wherever needed.

Group code: To make your code more organized and easier to manage, consider grouping similar operations and functions in one part of the code. For example, if you have several places where you need to do the same things, create a function that performs these actions and use it as many times as needed.

Use functions and libraries: If other programmers have created useful pieces of code or libraries, you can use them in your programs. Instead of reinventing the wheel, you can use ready-made solutions that already exist. This will save you time and make your work more efficient.

Reducing complexity: By adhering to the DRY principle, you create less code that needs maintenance and bug fixing. This makes your program less complex and less prone to errors.

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