The missing smooth scroll
As far as I know neovim does not have a decent scroll feaure, the jumps are so fast you can become confused.
I have being using neoscroll for a while, but now I am using cinnamon:
-- File: ~/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/cinnamon.lua
-- Last Change: Wed, Jul 2024/07/17 - 08:38:44
-- Author: Sergio Araujo--
-- This plugin is for animated scrolling
return {
version = "*", -- use latest release
opts = {
-- change default options here
-- Enable all provided keymaps
keymaps = {
basic = true,
extra = true,
-- Custom scroll options
options = {
mode = "cursor", -- Animate cursor and window scrolling for any movement
delay = 5, -- Delay between each movement step (in ms)
step_size = {
vertical = 1, -- Number of cursor/window lines moved per step
horizontal = 2, -- Number of cursor/window columns moved per step
max_delta = {
line = false, -- Maximum distance for line movements before scroll animation is skipped
column = false, -- Maximum distance for column movements before scroll animation is skipped
time = 1000, -- Maximum duration for a movement (in ms)
-- Optional post-movement callback
callback = function()
-- print("Scrolling done!")
keys = {
{ '<c-d>', '<cmd>lua require("cinnamon").scroll("<C-d>zz")<cr>', mode = 'n', },
{ '<c-u>', '<cmd>lua require("cinnamon").scroll("<C-u>zz")<cr>', mode = 'n', },
{ '<c-f>', '<cmd>lua require("cinnamon").scroll("<C-f>zz")<cr>', mode = 'n', },
{ '<c-b>', '<cmd>lua require("cinnamon").scroll("<C-b>zz")<cr>', mode = 'n', },
{ 'zz', '<cmd>lua require("cinnamon").scroll("zz")<cr>', mode = 'n', },
{ 'zt', '<cmd>lua require("cinnamon").scroll("zt")<cr>', mode = 'n', },
{ 'zb', '<cmd>lua require("cinnamon").scroll("zb")<cr>', mode = 'n', },
{ 'gg', '<cmd>lua require("cinnamon").scroll("gg")<cr>', mode = 'n', },
{ 'G', '<cmd>lua require("cinnamon").scroll("G")<cr>', mode = 'n', },
Please give us your feedback
Top comments (2)
Currently I am using: