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Saad Irfan for

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VSCode Command Line Interface

Just when I thought VSCode can't surprise me anymore, it came out of the closet with something awesome & shocked me again. Did you folks know VSCode offers a Command Line Interface (CLI) that lets you do a bunch of amazing VSCode stuff right inside your terminal.

Before we go into details, let's first activate this CLI.

βš™οΈ Setting Up the CLI

Open your VSCode. Press ⌘command + ⇧shift + p to open the Command Palette. Once it's open, search for shell command & then select the option: Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH

Activating VSCode CLI

When you are done, you will see a confirmation message at the bottom right corner of your VSCode & that's it. You have activated the CLI. πŸ™ŒπŸ»

πŸš€ Code CLI

As the name suggests, every Code CLI command will start with code. For instance, if you want to get your VSCode version, you can just type code -v.

Code CLI

You can also open any folder in VSCode by just typing code . in any terminal & then pressing enter

VSCode launch

Code CLI also allows you to open any file of your project from your terminal. Just write code -r filename in the terminal & you are good to go.

Code CLI open file

We have added -r to reuse the existing window instead of opening a new one. You can also use the command code -d filename1 filename2 to compare to files with each other. ⚑️

These are just the tip of the iceberg. You can see all of the options that this CLI provides by writing code --help in the terminal.

Code CLI help

That's it for today's, folks! If you like this piece, please hit the like button, and if you have a question, just drop it down in the comments section below. πŸ™ŒπŸ»

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