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vuong ⛈️
vuong ⛈️

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Let's add Cygwin into Windows Terminal and customize it for development looks

  • Cygwin is good for people who want to have a similar experience as much as possible like macOS machine/Linux terminal. May be, you like Git Bash, but Cygwin could provide a lot of additional packages which has been ported to Windows by Windows its own API. (

  • Windows Terminal is really nice, the big change that it uses GPU to render instead of CPU as basic cmd of Windows does. (

I just curious to how to add Cygwin into Windows Terminal. After installed it successfully, I would like to customize its own look to more consistent with other Terminal in Windows


I can get the executeable file for installing or just install it via scoop ( Very simple, just scoop install cygwin

After install, I could use Linux common commands in cygwin. But, wait, I would like to have it in my Windows Terminal also.

Add it into Windows Terminal

Here is my Windows Terminal config

    "$schema": "",
    // make Cygwin become default one
    "defaultProfile": "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}",

    "profiles": {
        // ...
        "list": [
            // just add this below item for Cygwin if you don't have any other
                "guid": "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001}",
                "commandline": "%UserProfile%/scoop/apps/cygwin/current/root/Cygwin.bat",
                "icon": "%UserProfile%/scoop/apps/cygwin/current/root/Cygwin-Terminal.ico",
                "hidden": false,
                "name": "Cygwin"

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The original look

Alt Text
It is lack of:

  • Shorten path
  • Git branch name
  • Emoji (lol~!)

Customize it!

To fulfill all of lacks, I did a search on Google and found this topic Looks amazing 🥰. After try some kind of suggestions, I also added a bit of cygpath to customize the path look.

Pls have a look first before have a decision! 😂

Alt Text

// Just shorten the cygwin path
function __short_wd_cygwin() {
    if [ $(echo -n $newPWD | awk -F '/' '{print NF}') -gt $num_dirs ]; then
        newPWD=$(echo -n $newPWD | awk -F '/' '{print $1 "/.../" $(NF-1) "/" $(NF)}')

    echo -n $newPWD

// Convert shorten path and shorten the Windows path
function __short_wd_cygpath() {
    newPWD=$(cygpath -C ANSI -w ${PWD/#$HOME/~})
    if [ $(echo -n $newPWD | awk -F '\\' '{print NF}') -gt $num_dirs ]; then
        newPWD=$(echo -n $newPWD | awk -F '\\' '{print $1 "\\...\\" $(NF-1) "\\" $(NF)}')

    echo -n $newPWD


export PS1=\
"${FG_BLACK}\$(__short_wd_cygpath) ${FMT_RESET}${FG_BLUE}"\
"\$(git branch 2> /dev/null | grep '^*' | colrm 1 2 | xargs -I BRANCH echo -n \"${FG_GREEN}BRANCH ${FMT_RESET}${FG_MAGENTA}\")"\
"\n ${FG_BLUE}🙈 ▶ ${FG_CYAN}\$ ${FMT_RESET}"
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Oh, yes, you want to know where to put all above commands into, lah?

Just do it step by step

Step 1. Backup the current setting

cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc-bak
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Step 2. Change the content of .bashrc

# Because I like VScode
code -n ~/.bashrc
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Step 3. Put all above commands into bottom of your .bashrc file
Step 4. Store it then load it by this below command

source ~/.bashrc
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Hope you can complete these steps smoothly! 😎


  • The font of my terminal is 'IBM Plex Mono'
  • The theme of Windows Terminal is 'Solarized Dark Higher Contrast'

Nice to hear any new tips in Cygwin from you all!!

Top comments (1)

vuong profile image
vuong ⛈️

Updated: Look at this post to have the improved version of the above idea