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How to Move Magento 2 from Localhost to Server

If you're looking to make your online store accessible to the public, it's crucial to know the steps involved in transferring Magento 2 from localhost to a server. Whether you're in the initial stages of developing your store or migrating an existing one, moving Magento 2 can be a complex undertaking. However, by carefully following the instructions outlined below, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition from a local development environment to a live website.

Setting up a Magento 2 store can be a challenging process, and offering an incomplete setup to potential customers may lead to disappointment. To avoid this, it is recommended to first set up your Magento 2 store on localhost. Invest the necessary time and effort into building and configuring every feature to perfection before taking your store live.

Before diving into the migration steps, there are a few prerequisites to consider. Ensure that you have purchased a domain name and selected the best Magento hosting solution for your needs.

Now, let's proceed with How to Move Magento 2 from Localhost to Server, enabling your online store to reach a wider audience.

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ibtisam021 profile image
Ibtisam021 • Edited

The main keypoints that one should fololw in order to move magento 2 from localhost to server are as follow:

Backup the Local Magento 2 Files and Database: Before transferring the website, create a backup of all the Magento 2 files and the database from the localhost environment.

Choose a reliable Managed Magento Hosting: A reliable managed Magento hosting helps in optimizing performance of your Magento website.

Upload Files to the Live Server: Upload the Magento 2 files to the root directory of the live server using FTP or cPanel File Manager.

Create a New Database on the Live Server: Set up a new database on the live server and import the backed-up database from the localhost.

Update Configuration Files: Modify the configuration files "app/etc/env.php" and "pub/index.php" with the live server's database and base URL details.

Update URL Rewrites: Clear the URL rewrites in the live server database and update them using the following command: "php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy".

Change File Permissions: Set appropriate file permissions for Magento 2 files on the live server using SSH.

Flush Caches: Clear the Magento 2 cache to ensure smooth functioning on the live server.

Test the Website on the Live Server: Visit the website on the live server and test its functionality to ensure everything is working correctly.

By following these steps, users can successfully migrate their Magento 2 website from localhost to a live server, making it accessible to the public and ready for production use.