In this article I'm showing you 10 of the best CSS animation libraries I have found/encountered so far.
I have tried around 30 overall, majority o...
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Changing my site's marquees (hymntime.com/tch) is on my to do list, but last time I looked the W3ORG spec was still a draft. Did any of these libraries address marquees? Did any of them stand out among the pack for implementing marquees?
I am used css library animate.style. This is a good library. But one more point. Clicking or hovering the mouse should trigger the animation. Use the class add operator. After animation, remove this class. How to find out the animation is over. I use the el.addEventListener("animationend", () => { //del class// }); function for this. I found information about this here: profi.spage.me/css/use-css-library...
This is such a useful list! I will definitely be using one of these in my project.
Thank you for doing this, this was helpful!
OMG,Such a nice list of css animation library. Loved it!
Thanks, will be using one of these in my upcoming project.
This post is amazing
Awesome Post! For animated Icons or Illustrations in Lottie format, you can also check out animatly.io/ the way it is animated is quite similar.
Well, I just want to mention Lordicon Animated Icons
At the end of the day, it is not animated CSS library but still worth checking out. ;)
Wow This is awesome, thanks for sharing :)
Top 10 Upcomming Animated Slider In 2021
Thank you for the information