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8 JavaScript Tips & Tricks That No One Teaches πŸš€

Garvit Motwani on April 06, 2021

JavaScript is no doubt one of the coolest languages in the world and is gaining more and more popularity day by day. So the developer community has...
devtalhaakbar profile image
Muhammad Talha Akbar β€’ β€’ Edited

Great, Garvit! It's always great to know the language so well and bring about these unconventional ways to solve problems. However, it's always recommended to write code that is self-explanatory. And, I find majority of these tricks to be confusing (to an average eye). Use them when you really have to and leave a comment to make your intention clear.

strativd profile image
Strat Barrett β€’

On that note – which I completely agree with – it's interesting how readable this is Array.from(dogs) compared to if map wasn't so widely adopted :)

arealsamurai profile image

On that note, I'd love to see how performant Array.from() is compared to .map() that I know doesn't perform very well

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killshot13 profile image
Michael R. β€’

Now you've inspired a more ambitious project. Building a custom standalone performance measurement tool for Javascript.

It could be something similar to Runkit, but strictly for benchmarking the various methods and approaches to the same end goal. Like which is faster?

capsLockNames =
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capsLockNames= []
for x = 0; x < names.length; x++
  capsLockNames[x] = capitalize(names[x]))
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arealsamurai profile image
An actual, Real Samurai β€’

I can tell you for sure that the for loop is way more performant than map. But if you do compare everything, I'm definitely interested to read.

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Noted! and thanks for reading the article!

davidsanwald profile image
David Sanwald β€’
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garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Actually, I really like that method and it is way easier than .map(), that's why I recommended that, but noted! Thanks for reading the article

nickjohnmorton profile image
Nick Morton β€’

Please explain how your method is "way easier than .map()"?

I just don't understand your thinking here, the concepts are exactly the same, the syntax is almost exactly the same (actually longer), and you're introducing a somewhat unfamiliar syntax to most to achieve something that everyone likely understands already with .map().

shadowtime2000 profile image
shadowtime2000 β€’
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johannchopin profile image
johannchopin β€’

You're right and I like your avatarπŸ‘

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Thanks! I don’t remember how I created that

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’


sonterix profile image
Nick β€’ β€’ Edited

Also, u can convert number to string in this way:

const num = 32
const str = `${32}`
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garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

That is interesting and thanks for sharing!!

aalencar profile image
Alex Alencar β€’


num + ''

sonterix profile image
Nick β€’

This method described in the article :/

vladimirc profile image
Vladimir C β€’

I believe you meant

const str = `${num}`
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peerreynders profile image
peerreynders β€’

Array.from is notable for its intended use of making Array-like data iterable with array methods, such as strings.

There's another case where it is extremely handy - creating a fresh array with elements initialized from a function.

const init = (_value, index) => (index + 1) * 3;
const length = 4;
const array = Array.from({ length }, init); // [3, 6, 9, 12]
for (let i = 0; i < length; i += 1) console.assert(array[i] === (i + 1) * 3);
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The issue with Array.prototype.fill() is that:

  • it requires an existing array (to modify)
  • it only places a single constant value into all the elements it replaces.

And requires an already initialized array.

With Array.from() an array can be created and initialized with element content that varies by index in one fell swoop.

lkarabeg profile image
lkarabeg β€’

I kind of disagree, finding map much more readable.
Array.from({length: 4}).map((_value, index) => (index + 1) * 3)

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peerreynders profile image
peerreynders β€’


const array = (new Array(length)).fill().map(init);
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it always ground my gears that to arrive at the desired array another disposable array had to be created and "filled" just to convey that I want length elements. And

const array = (new Array(length)).fill();
array.forEach((_v, i, a) => {
  a[i] = (i + 1) * 3;
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was clunky enough to make me want to use a for loop.

So if I'm are already using Array.from() I might as well use the optional mapFn and thisArg parameters.

function init(_value, index) {
  return (index + 1) * this.factor;

const config = { length: 4 };
const two = { factor: 2 };
const three = { factor: 3 };
const array2 = Array.from(config, init, two);
const array3 = Array.from(config, init, three);

const checkArray = (expected, actual) => {
  const actualMatches = (value, index) => value === actual[index];
    expected.length === actual.length && expected.every(actualMatches),
    'array mismatch - expected: %o actual: %o',
const TWOS = [2, 4, 6, 8];
const THREES = [3, 6, 9, 12];
checkArray(TWOS, array2);
checkArray(THREES, array3);
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... but that's just me.

lmorchard profile image
Les Orchard β€’ β€’ Edited

I'd say that Array.from() isn't the most handy as a substitute for Rather, it's handy for transforming iterables that aren't already arrays.

Like, to get the names of commenters on this page, try this in the dev tools console:

  el => el.textContent
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The NodeList returned from document.querySelectorAll isn't an array, but this lets you convert it to an array while performing a transformation at the same time.

yobretyo profile image
Bret β€’

The problem with JavaScript is that.... it’s not taught β€œin context”, it’s mainly always a β€œconsole.log” that is used for the answer, instead of truly implementing it into real examples.... it’s been tough for me to learn it

killshot13 profile image
Michael R. β€’

Liquid syntax error: Tag '{%' was not properly terminated with regexp: /\%\}/

vicropht profile image
Vicropht β€’

Make projects to learn it! Helps a lot!!!

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’


strativd profile image
Strat Barrett β€’

I'm a big fan of !! which gets the boolean value of (pretty much) anything:

let truthiness = !!12       //=> true
let truthiness = !!0        //=> false
let truthiness = !!'string' //=> true
let truthiness = !!''       //=> false
let truthiness = !![]       //=> true
let truthiness = !!{}       //=> true
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! is the opposite so !! becomes the boolean value !! πŸ˜„

parkio profile image
Chris β€’

The Boolean() constructor is another great way to interpret falsey values.

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Thanks for sharing! πŸ™πŸ™

ychanov profile image
Yavor Chanov β€’

Hi, thanks for the article.
I think there is a small mistake in the "Number to string/string to number" part...
The example for converting string to number is:
let num = "4"
let stringNumber = Number(s); //doesn't that have to be Number(num);?

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Welcome and Noted!!

dannyengelman profile image
Danny Engelman β€’
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crimsonmed profile image
MΓ©dΓ©ric Burlet β€’

for performance you use dates but since you are using console.log you could use console.time()

// do stuff
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afif profile image
Temani Afif β€’
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garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Ya sorry actually I wrote it before because I wanted to create a CSS post πŸ˜… thanks for the reminder

g0d profile image
George Delaportas (ViR4X) β€’

G R E A T work...

There are also many other great tricks you can do to optimize code, add quality and also provide C#-like or JAVA-like paradigms to JavaScript.

Check my web framework and especially the JS extensions for more cool ideas.

ignaciojvig profile image
JoΓ£o Victor Ignacio β€’
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garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Thanks For Sharing The Tip! Noted!

macnick profile image
Nick Haralampopoulos β€’

Nice article Garvit! I usually use the .map() substitute when creating arrays with pre-filled values. One little mistake though. array.length is a property in JavaScript not a method. It is a method in Java, C++ and others but not in JavaScript.
Thank you again for the nice article.

mliakos profile image
Emmanouil Liakos β€’

Another nice tip is that arrays passed to template literals get coerced to comma-separated strings like this:

const fruits = ['apples', 'oranges'];
console.log(${fruits}); // 'apples,oranges'

cubiclesocial profile image
cubiclesocial β€’

We can also use that to swap values fast

Swapping variables with an array isn't going to be faster (performance-wise) than just swapping the variables with the traditional method of using a temporary variable.

One of the first comments on using a temporary array is that it is roughly two times slower than a variable swap.

Javascript processes most accesses by reference. So assigning to a temporary variable doesn't copy anything but a memory address. Creating an array, on the other hand, is almost certainly going to: Hit the memory allocation pool, add two variables to the array, update the length of the array (for no good reason), then immediately extract them back out of the array, and release the array back into the memory pool. Without even having to test that, the former is obviously faster than the latter. Swapping vars happens often in software, and usually in a loop, so writing performant code vs. one-liners is more important here.

rohitw3code profile image
RohitW3code β€’

Very nice , I have a request for you can you publish you articles on our Codeddit Programmer Community it would be a great help to everyone on Codeddit app platform.

lavigi profile image
eva β€’
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geminii profile image
Jimmy β€’

Really nice tips.
Question : what is the best option between using and console.time() πŸ€”

sebring profile image
J. G. Sebring β€’

console.time will be limited to output in console, hence it is more suitable for temporary debugging/test situations.

Any other cases I'd use, like displaying time in html, sending to backend etc.

geminii profile image
Jimmy β€’

Good to know thanks for this tip πŸ˜€πŸ‘

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

I usually use so I would recommend that but console.time() is also good!!

kasia99472765 profile image
Kasia β€’

it`s ok

buriti97 profile image
buridev β€’

awesome bro, thanks for sharing

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Welcome Bro!! πŸ™

bendavies99 profile image
Ben Davies β€’

Hey quick question when changing the length of the array to remove items from the array does this not cause a memory leak because of how arrays are stored, or does the garbage collector understand this change and then clean up the memory as necessary

filatovv profile image
Yuri Filatov β€’

This is an amazing job!

iqseviyesi profile image
IQ Seviyesi β€’

Perfect tricks :)

thangdangblog profile image
thangdangblog β€’

Thank you for sharing! Your post helps me improve my skills in Javascript!

as profile image
Amir Salehi β€’

Nice πŸ‘

heatxel profile image
Danz β€’

Love it thanks great tricks

abohalema98 profile image
Mohamed Ahmed β€’

thanks for this nots

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Welcome bro!

nol166 profile image
John McCambridge β€’

This is awesome

bacchusplateau profile image
Bret Williams β€’

Removing duplicates is a good trick. I'll put that one in my back pocket for later.

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Yep! Thanks For Reading the articleπŸ™

jpotts7 profile image
jpotts7 β€’

Great tips - thanks for sharing!

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Welcome bro!!

jobez profile image
Giovanni Bezicheri β€’

Thanks for the article! Anyway some of those are just tricks that could sacrifice code readibility :)

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Ya some of them! Thanks for reading tho!

tryhendri profile image
tryhendri β€’

Thanks for sharing Garvit
It seems a typo on Map an array without .map(), it should return dogsNames rather than friendsNames.

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Noted! Thanks!

vikirobles profile image
Vicky Vasilopoulou β€’

thanks for sharing Garvit!

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

welcome bro!

juniordevforlife profile image
Jason F β€’

Great article. I'm particularly fond of the map without map.

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Ya I use that at often nowadays

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

It varies from person to person like you like it but I personally find it sometimes complicated so I listed it in but thanks for the suggestion!!

coderdaiyan profile image
Abdallah Daiyan β€’

For me remove duplicates in an array was interesting.....past I removed in another way. It seems like this is so easy....Thank you so much man...It was awesome πŸš€πŸ”₯

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Welcome Bro!!

bmehder profile image
Brad Mehder β€’

I found this article super useful!

garvitmotwani profile image
Garvit Motwani β€’

Thanks For Reading!!

sinvalfelisberto profile image
Sinval Felisberto β€’

Thank you Kindly, Garvit!
Greetings from Brazil!

ecemac profile image
Ece β€’

Daaamn, this is very useful.

nikhilroy2 profile image
Nikhil Chandra Roy β€’

Array.from({length: 10}, (a,b)=> console.log(b)) instant of for loop, Thanks

damiannelus profile image
damiannelus β€’
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