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DevLorenzo for World In Dev

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How do programmers love to code?

Hello World! My first #healthydebate about windows vs mac vs linux generated more than 2500 views and 60 comments! So I decided to create another debate, it feels so good to have interactions with other programmers!
I'm relatively new to programming (started around 1 year ago) and just was interested about the story's of other developers. I'm interested in how do you love to code. Personally, I love it with a high-volume rock song, using atom or visual studio code, in python or javascript, and responding badly to all those who talk to me 😊.
So, How do you love to code? Do you listen to music while coding? What IDE (code editor) do you use? When do you like to code? What is your favorite programming languages? Why and how do you started programming? What are you working on? Questions can be infinite, so just talk a bit about yourself!

I'm very interested in creating a conversation / a debate thinking about how different peoples love to code. I also have in mind to write an article on that, maybe using quotes from this post. So I need you to tell us all the funniest things!

Remember the comment!

Check these articles about how programmers love to code / best operating system for dev

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Oldest comments (36)

felruivo profile image
Felipe Piacsek

I like coding in the mornings, when I feel most productive. The music depends on my mood, but I usually listen to 80's rock. Also worth mentioning that I love using Pomodoro technique while coding.

devlorenzo profile image
DevLorenzo • Edited

What groups do you listen more? I also love 80's rock.
I know how pomodoro technique works but never really tried it.

felruivo profile image
Felipe Piacsek

Twisted Sister definetely has a special seat on my playlist :p

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devlorenzo profile image

Tell the class, what do you wanna do with your life?

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devlorenzo profile image
ahamedsajeeth profile image
Ahamed Sajeeth

I like coding everytime

devlorenzo profile image
DevLorenzo • Edited

Ahahaha, me too!

rvxlab profile image

I listen to a fair bit of music when coding except when I really need to think about what I'm doing.

If I can "auto-pilot" a coding task I'll slap on a playlist with varying genres, most notably Synthwave (Scandroid, Fury Weekend, F.O.O.L), Electronic rock (Celldweller, The Anix, Blue Stahli) and Gothic Country (Daniel Murphy, Raphael Lake).

However if I need to think about what I'm doing then music is a huge distraction.

Since I work full-time coding at home is not that common. Balancing life is hard I tell you. But when I do, PHP and TypeScript are my languages of choice with any Jetbrains IDE that does the job.

devlorenzo profile image

Same for music. It can help as it can distract when coding or studying. What are you currently working on?

rvxlab profile image
RVxLab • Edited

A project I'm working on is a new tab Firefox (and possibly Chrome) extension which is still in a very early stage.

I have a few other projects going on but just not enough time to do. :(

devlorenzo profile image

If you're interested, check this article and give your opinion, why do you love programming?

btlm profile image

I love having music in the background. Even if I must focus on harder tasks, my mind turns off the ears somehow and music is not a distraction anymore. Weird but I like it.

I work full-time from home because of pandemic and this is very hard since it's the first time for me to working full remotely. In addition, I have bought a new PC recently so sometimes I think about playing Cyberpunk2077 whole day but must work hard instead :D

My favorite job is to code new features. I kinda hate to maintain existing code, especially written by somebody else, because I'm simply bored of redoing the same things.

devlorenzo profile image

Same for the music, Sometimes I start a new song that I really love and at the end I realize I didn't heard it.
What pc do you use? You can reply in the comment section of this article ( where we talk about which OS is best for developers.
Thanks for the comment

rvxlab profile image

where we talk about which OS is best for developers.

There isn't one. It comes down to preference and use case. iOS development? MacOS is the way to go. Game development? Windows probably.

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devlorenzo profile image

Yes, we talk about which one is the most used.

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rvxlab profile image

I know, I was there. I'm just pointing out that your statement there is incorrect. ;)

devlorenzo profile image

If you're interested, check this article and give your opinion, why do you love programming?

pontakornth profile image
Pontakorn Paesaeng

I am more a student than a programmer right now. I barely touch the code unless it's related to the studying. I admit that I lose energy over time by studying a lot.

I usually play music when coding simple thing such as a component but I disable music to think complex things.

My text editor and IDE are VSCode, Neovim and Pycharm. All of them have Vim motion and easy-motion because it's better to move fast even I forgot the key binding.

Mainly, I used JavaScript/TypeScript in my personal projects and Python for studying computer programming class. I love functional programming language such as Haskell, Rust (Not fully functional but has more functional features), and Clojure but I rarely find a chance to use them as TypeScript and Python solved most of the problems.

ryencode profile image
Ryan Brown

I love to code while watching media, but I'm way more effective if I can listen to music (as little lyrics as possible, medium energy, not big swings in tempo)
Right now I'm learning Rust, so that is my favorite at the moment. Most effective would be JS and C# currently.
I started programming as a child on an Apple ][e with integer basic. Got hooked and managed to make it into a career. :)
I mostly code in Visual Studio and/or Sublime text

deozza profile image
Edenn Touitou

I recently noticed that moving around, walking away from the desk, is pretty pleasant. To empty my head and tackle a problem under a new angle

devlorenzo profile image
DevLorenzo • Edited

Yes, when I started coding and learning English at the same time I was able to pass 20 minutes trying to understand a sentence/ a concept. When I realised I needed another way around I decided to completely break from code (best is going to sleep) and then return to it with a clearer mind.

michaelcurrin profile image
Michael Currin

I love coding with a group of people at a meetup event (pre 2020). With out laptops out and having beer and pizza and mingling and listening to music.

I'll find a newbie or visitor who needs help with their goal or I'll get advice on my own project. Or just enjoy being in the space and working on whatever I feel like.

giangvincent profile image
giang vincent

Since coding is a way to make more money, I have to code everyday. So now love or not I still have to code.
Listen to music for more productivity, yeah. After that, take a sip of coffee and Im on the sky.
Used to code in sublime text, now I use vs code. Js, PHP but still PHP is the most favorite.
Im code both html game and website. And now still do both.

nano1709 profile image
Ignacio Vargas

I love to speak out loud while writing code.... I think my family see me as a weirdo (lol I don't blame them). Personally, I cannot do it with music or any other kind of "distractions" aside from talking out loud the best way to approach/solve an issue. And to be completely honest, I'm not sure why I do that.

I love coding because it gives me a sense that I'm into the future. But more specifically I love refactoring and cleanup (like making code more readable and seeing what other devs come up with). It brings more in depth knowledge of all the ways of doing things which is really fascinating to me :D

ra1nbow1 profile image
Matvey Romanov

Music or video in the background is the best way to code productively. By the way, classic music helps to relax and concentrate on the work

johnlager profile image
João Vitor Silveira

I love programming when I get to the Flow state, as a person who have ADHD sometimes it's no so easy, but once I'm focusing I forget about everything that is not related to the job.

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