Hey folks! I've been thinking about contributing to this wonderful community for a while, but couldn't figure out how/where to start. Recently, however, when my team and I were discussing some of the underrated posts on here, I got this idea. So here are some of the most underrated posts on Dev.to from this past week.
1.All About End To End Testing
arnabroychowdhury explains the requirements and the right way to do end-to-end testing. This post goes into depth, covering not only the parameters involved in end-to-end testing and how it is different from system testing, but also the challenges faced while conducting it. A great read, especially for those of us new to testing.

All You Need to Know About End to End Testing
arnabroychowdhury for LambdaTest ・ Feb 6 '19
2.Summary of Web Application Security Beginner’s Guide
Sunfire writes a nice little summary of the book “Web Application Security – a Beginner’s Guide” from Bryan Sullivan. She elaborates the key points of the book and what she learnt from book in a clear and concise manner. "For those of you like myself that aren’t quite security-minded by default, this is a great intro to thinking like the bad guys," as she puts it herself.

What I’ve learned from the Web Application Security Beginner’s Guide
Sunfire ・ Feb 5 '19
3.Tips to Improve Ionic App Performance
A thorough guide on how to improve ionic app performance by Boris Joskic.
The most recent version of Ionic, version 4, includes performance improvements, but in my opinion, it’s still having a tough time competing with the performance of native features such as file storage, camera, flashlight and many more.

Improve Your Ionic App Performance
Boris Joskic for JSGuru ・ Feb 7 '19
4. Qualities Required to Run a Dev Team
Brett Clawson puts forward some solid reasons as to why one must be more than a talented developer to lead a team of fellow developers, and what skills are required to play that role efficiently.

Why You Must Be More Than A Skilled Developer To Run A Dev Team
Brett Clawson ・ Feb 5 '19
5. All About Javascript Libraries
JavaScript has made being a full-stack developer much more achievable.This blog post by Victor Kurauchi explores Javascript, how Javascript libraries are being created and what is Isomorphic Javascript.
6. Tips For Consistently Learning
The second part in Josh Hadik's "Rapid Reps" series, this post is all about how you can learn quicker and make things rapidly in your daily life. This also illustrates how important it is to have a roadmap for all your tasks.

Ten Tips to Get the Most out of Your Rapid Reps
Josh Hadik ・ Feb 6 '19
7. On Developer-Manager Relationships
When you’re building software, the roles of a project manager and software developer are equally important for the successful launch of your project. This post is all about how you as a developer can foster a good working relationship with your manager so both parties can have goals that align with each other.
That's all for this week. These were my personal favorite underrated posts from last week. I hope you liked this post. I'm thinking of making this a series, so show some love and let me know what you think. ❤️
And also, tell me about your favorite posts that went underrated in the comments below!
Top comments (15)
Awesome concept, very excited to continue enjoying these round-ups!
Thanks for appreciation peter😊
So you guys finally started it. Awesome 🥰
Yeah😁 Inspired by you
Article "exploring javascript libraries" is really helpful..
Great idea! Following
Thanks Benny
I love Josh's article!
Maybe silly question but how do you do big headers up the top of posts? Didn't seem to say anything about it in the help.
You mean headers? dev.to/p/editor_guide#headers
It's using [1-6] hashtag
before textSuch as this one
Whoops, no I should have specified I mean big header images up above the first h1 # Header.
Edit: And I just found the answer! You click the "Images" button when writing a post, and there is a place you can load up cover images.
This is the cover image, in the front matter of the page!
It's in the first segment of the guide: dev.to/p/editor_guide
I visit dev.to everyday just to doing this (the frame rate in this GIF is reduced)