
Lucas M. Ríos
Lucas M. Ríos

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How upload data in format JSON to Datastore from GCP?

⛵ Simple way to upload data in format JSON to Datastore from GCP.

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All this blog is using shell.

We will upload data to Datastore we can made this with Cloud SDK or directly from shell in GCP.

We will create a script in to upload data from restaurants.json to Datastore.

If you want test this script, you can get example data in my repo that is above.

For more information and potential of this, click here.

1st - Create a program python ✍️

I use following command:

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

2nd - Write code to do transforms 🧵

Open IDE(I use vi) and put the following script

# Only import libraries
from import datastore
import sys
import json
import os

def to_unicode(string):
    return unicode(string, "utf-8")

def get_values_json(jsondata):
    # Getting values of object root
    restaurant_id = jsondata.get("restaurant_id")
    name = jsondata.get("name")
    cuisine = jsondata.get("cuisine")
    borough = jsondata.get("borough")
    address = jsondata.get("address", {})
    # Getting values of object address
    zipcode = address.get("zipcode", '')
    street = address.get("street", '')
    building = address.get("building", '')
    coord = address.get("coord", [0, 0] )
    longitude = coord[0]
    latitude = coord[1]
    return restaurant_id, name, cuisine,borough, zipcode, street, building, longitude, latitude

def set_values_entity(restaurants, restaurant_id, name, cuisine,borough, zipcode, street, building, longitude, latitude):
    # Assign encoded values to key
    restaurants['id'] = to_unicode(restaurant_id)
    restaurants['name'] = to_unicode(name)
    restaurants['cuisine'] = to_unicode(cuisine)
    restaurants['borough'] = to_unicode(borough)
    restaurants['zipcode'] = to_unicode(zipcode)
    restaurants['street'] = to_unicode(street)
    restaurants['building'] = to_unicode(building)
    restaurants['longitude'] = longitude
    restaurants['latitude'] = latitude
    return restaurants

def convert():
    BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    readFile = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "restaurants.json")
    # Instantiates a client
    datastore_client = datastore.Client()
    # The kind for the new entity
    kind = 'restaurants'
    print ('\n' + 'Convert to Datastore - Please Wait' + '\n')

    # Set lines where will be row data
    lines = []
    # Open file restaurants.json
    with open(readFile, "r") as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    # By each line of file we transform data and put it in entity in Datastore
    for line in lines:
        jsondata = json.loads(line)
        # Get values from json
        restaurant_id, name, cuisine,borough, zipcode, street, building, longitude, latitude = get_values_json(jsondata)
        # The Cloud Datastore key for the new entity
        rest_key = datastore_client.key(kind)
        # Prepares the new entity
        restaurants = datastore.Entity(key=rest_key)
        # Set values to entity
        restaurants = set_values_entity(restaurants, restaurant_id, name, cuisine,borough, zipcode, street, building, longitude, latitude)
        # Saves the entity

    print ('\n' + 'Saved Rows to csv' + '\n')

if __name__ == '__main__':
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

3rd - Run script 🙈

We need restaurants.json is in same path of script.

We run script with following command:

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You now have data in your instance of Datastore...

4th - Say thanks, give like and share if this has been of help/interest 😁🖖

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