DEV Community


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My name is Ben Kronoff. I'm the founder of FlytLabs expirmental development, located at

I've just made a plan outlying the function and sound operation of the divisions of this group. It outlines how different projects will communicate and work in harmony to achieve a greater, more solid public understanding and service - and this has always be derived from the search, and need of public interest.

Kindly check out our projects. We're looking for more developers in anything from ML and AI to Javascript to React and Python and beyond. If you feel the projects on our website are sufficient for capturing a crowd of public interest and would like to see yourself be apart of creating the framework which will lead the company forward to investor relations and on, kindly message me or reach out to I'll share this plan with you and hopefully we can move forward under a mutual and shared understanding which will provide immense power to the potential of our creations.

Thanks for your time. I know some of you will find great value in this. I hope to speak with you soon.


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